Industrial Mathematics as a Driver of Innovation in Industry

A unique selling point of #MOIN is the consideration of mathematics as a technology for (industrial) applications. Our guiding principle is that value creation was created yesterday by hardware, today by software and tomorrow by intelligent and efficient algorithms (#mathware).

The basis of this innovative strength lies in the ability of industrial mathematics to identify patterns, optimize processes and make data-based decisions. From production planning to quality control and logistics, it enables precise analyses that outperform conventional approaches. This not only increases efficiency, but also creates space for creative solutions.

In order to activate this new type of value creation for (regional) industry, a bundling of industrial mathematics transfer activities is required. Our goal is therefore to establish a leading center in the field of industrial mathematics.

Our innovation scouts act as intermediaries at the interface between research and industry. They identify the existing potential of industrial mathematics in economy and at the same time uncover the possible needs of regional companies. Joint ideas with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be quickly and easily transformed into concrete projects with the help of an initial fund.

Our Innovationscouts

If you have any questions, would like to have a consultation or would like to sound out the realization of initial ideas with us, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Portraitfoto von Jarina Kühn

Jarina Kühn

Coordination & Innovation Scout

jarina.kuehnprotect me ?!wht.bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 421 361-32291
+49 176 858 01230

Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Häfen und Transformation

Abteilung 4 - Industrie, Innovation, Digitalisierung
Referat 40 - Industrie & Cluster
Zweite Schlachtpforte 3
28195 Bremen

Portraitbild von Nils Hase

Nils Hase

Coordination & Innovation Scout

haseprotect me ?!BIS-Bremerhavenprotect me ?!.de
+49 471 94646-659

BIS Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH
Am Alten Hafen 118  |  27568 Bremerhaven

Portrait von Martin Heinlein

Dr. Martin Heinlein

Coordination & Innovation Scout

heinleinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 421 218-63872

Universität Bremen
Digital Hub Industry
NEOS | 3. OG
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 6a
28359 Bremen

Natascha Schmitt

Natascha Schmitt (on parental leave)

Coordination & Innovation Scout

natascha.schmittprotect me ?!wht.bremenprotect me ?!.de
+49 421 361-32172

Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Die Senatorin für Wirtschaft, Häfen und Transformation

Abteilung 4 - Industrie, Innovation, Digitalisierung
Referat 40 - Industrie & Cluster
Zweite Schlachtpforte 3
28195 Bremen