#MOIN Management
Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens
University of Bremen
Project manager and Head of the Optimization and Optimate Control working group
E-mail:bueskensprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Telephone secretariat: (0421) 218-63860
Caroline Privat
The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation, Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
E-Mail: caroline.privatprotect me ?!wht.bremenprotect me ?!.de
Telephone: (0421) 361-8996
Annette Schimmel
BIS - Bremerhavener Gesellschaft für Investitionsförderung und Stadtentwicklung mbH
E-Mail: schimmelprotect me ?!bis-bremerhavenprotect me ?!.de
Telefon: (0471) 94646-620
#MOIN aims to be an integral part of the innovation system, the economy and civil society. We also want to play a decisive role in shaping the digital transformation in the region, as well as nationally and globally.
We want to create the right conditions for this. On the one hand, to develop innovative products, processes and services for regional companies based on certifiable industrial mathematical algorithms. On the other hand, we want to achieve a broad impact through innovative public relations work, so that society is made aware of the potential of industrial mathematics at an early stage. The aim is to maintain and create sustainable jobs in the region. To this end, #MOIN is to be established as a central contact point for the regional economy and industry as well as for the public.
The implementation of Innovation Scouts pursues the overarching goal of bringing industrial mathematics out of the shadows and making it a "hidden champion". Often invisible to the user, #mathware should receive the attention it deserves in politics, society, application-oriented research and entrepreneurial development and thus contribute to the sustainable economic success of the region. The Innovation Scouts play a very important role in this. Our innovation scouts act as intermediaries at the interface between research and business. They highlight the existing potential of industrial mathematics in the economy and at the same time uncover the possible needs of regional companies. They are based at the participating research institutions and at the interface to the major innovation clusters in the region. This creates a bi-directional access to the latest industrial mathematics research results for all companies in the region. By collaborating within #MOIN, the participating companies directly participate in and benefit from the latest industrial mathematics research, which can significantly increase the innovative strength of the region.