
Malinda Mecit

Science workshop on Mars simulation in Armenia – Amadee-24

From November 29 to December 1, 2024, Malinda Mecit and Katrin Schirm participated in the Science Workshop of the Austrian Space Forum, which took place at the VEGA observatory Haus der Natur am Haunsberg and the Haus der Natur in Salzburg, on behalf of the Department of Business Psychology and Human Resources and ZARM. This workshop served as the conclusion of the AMADEE-24 Mars simulation and provided a platform for AMADEE-24 researchers, project team members and external researchers to present the results of the experiments and the knowledge gained from the mission.

Malinda Mecit and Katrin Schirm gave a presentation on the project “Life support tasks under autonomous operation and under Earth-Mars joint operation”, called Staying Alive, which was conducted during the AMADEE-24 mission in Armenia. In their presentation, they introduced the research questions and methodology, presented the results and discussed them. They also shared the future roadmap for the Staying Alive project. Through the feedback and discussions with the analog astronauts and other participants, valuable suggestions were collected that will contribute to the improvement of the Staying Alive project.

Taking part in the workshop was a particularly educational and inspiring experience for the two students and project team members. The valuable insights into Mars analog research and the exchange with other participants were very enriching. The knowledge gained will be helpful in taking the next steps in research in a clearer and more targeted manner.




Vera Hagemann

Successful doctorate for Dr Anja Bendixen-Danowski

Dr Anja Bendixen-Danowski successfully defended her doctorate on the topic of "Age-differentiated leadership to improve leadership success - An analysis of the relationships between leaders and those being led to further develop a model of age-differentiated leadership and design an application-oriented workshop for managers" under the supervision of Prof. Dr Vera Hagemann and Prof. Dr Rafaela Kraus on 25 April 2024 in the doctoral colloquium. We are very happy for her and congratulate her once again on passing her doctorate.




Screenshot Paper

New publication by Dr. Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention to the publication "Adaptable automation for a more human-centered work design? Effects on human perception and behavior" in the journal "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies", co-authored with Prof. Dr. Linda Onnasch from TU Berlin. This publication explores the effects of adaptable automation (i.e., automation where humans can decide when and to what extent tasks are delegated to technology) on human perception and performance in safety-critical environments such as air traffic control. It becomes clear that this form of automation can indeed contribute to a more human-centered work design.


Successful Participation in the EAWOP conference in Katowice

Prof. Vera Hagemann had great pleasure to participate in the conference of the "European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology" (EAWOP) in Katowice (Poland) from May 24 to 27, 2023. The opening ceremony took place in the very beautiful and impressive concert hall with a concert of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra. The beautiful and modern conference building was also very inviting for the numerous lectures and keynotes. Visually, it is based on the mining industry, as this has greatly influenced the region.

Vera Hagemann gave two presentations, one on "Mental workload mediates the effect of communication facets on team performance and work satisfaction in interdependently working teams during a simulated Mars mission" and on "The association between collective orientation and team flow: the mediation effect of teamwork-related stressors and resources". In addition, she was a discussant at the end of a symposium on "Psychosocial work demands, salutogenic resources and interventions, and their effects on employee health and well-being" and highlighted the presentations given in the context of current research.

It was a great pleasure to see many good colleagues from Germany and abroad again and to exchange ideas with them as well as to gain new interesting contacts.



New book on HR Analytics

We would like to draw your attention to the new book on the topic of " HR-Analytics – Eine Einführung in ganzheitliches datengestütztes Personalmanagement [HR Analytics - An Introduction to Holistic Data-Driven HR Management]" by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann, together with Prof. Dr. Annette Kluge and Dr. Greta Ontrup, which will be published in May 2023. 

The future of human resources is data-driven. This book shows how HR analytics can contribute to the strategic success of a company and which framework conditions must be observed to ensure acceptance by all groups of people involved in the company. HR analytics encompasses all processes in which employee data is collected, evaluated and processed in such a way that the analysis results can be used as a basis for decision-making on strategic corporate issues.

This book provides basic knowledge on the topic from an industrial and organizational psychology perspective and offers a guide for responsible design of HR analytics projects. This book is intended for: Lecturers and students in Psychology (master program) with a focus on industrial, organizational and/or business psychology at universities. Practitioners such as HR managers, executives, HR and organizational developers, consultants, or HR psychologists who would like to familiarize themselves with the topic from the perspective of IO psychology.


Segnitz Prize for Dr. Michèle Rieth

On Thursday, November 17, 2022, the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics of the University of Bremen took place in the Glocke Bremen. Dr. Michèle Rieth (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann) won this year's Segnitz Prize for outstanding doctoral theses with her dissertation on the topic "Effects of Increasing Automation on Employees in High Reliability Organizations - An Analysis of the Changed Work Role and Requirements in Consideration of Work Design Using the Example of Air Traffic Controllers". The prize is endowed with a total of € 10.000 and was divided among three dissertations this year. In addition to Dr. Michèle Rieth, Dr. Daniel Metko (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig) and Dr. Max Brauckmann (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jochen Zimmermann) also received the prize. Congratulations to the winners!

Participation in the 52nd congress of the DGPs in Hildesheim

From September 12 to 15, 2022, the conference of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie" (DGPs) will take place in Hildesheim. The Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources will be represented this year with a total of four contributions.

The presentation papers are:

  • Non-technical skills in firefighting - Evaluation of a team training for less stress and more safety in firefighting operations (Heinemann, Aust, Holtz, Peifer & Hagemann).
  • Adaptable Automation as a Solution for a More Human-centered Design? - The Impact on Perceived Competence and Autonomy (Rieth, Onnasch & Hagemann)
  • The interaction of Teamwork Processes, Collective Orientation and Stress during a simulated Mars Mission in the Crew and Support Teams (Hagemann, Watermann & Heinicke)
  • The mediated effect of communication on team performance in interdependently working teams during a simulated Mars Mission (Watermann, Hagemann & Heinicke)

Prof. Vera Hagemann, Lena Heinemann, Michèle Rieth, and Lara Watermann are looking forward to participate in the congress and to exchange ideas with colleagues.

Universitaet Hildesheim Neubau Luebecker Strasse
Humans on Mars

Kick-off event of the "Humans on Mars" initiative

On the 8th of July, 2022 Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Ksenia Appelganc attended the first official kick-off event of the “Human on Mars” initiative. The researchers from all seed projects of the initiative came together at Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen to meet each other in person and to get more familiar with the different projects. More pictures and information about this event and the project can be found here.

Successful participation in the HFES conference in Turin

From April 20-22, 2022, the conference of the "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter" (HFES) was held in presence in Turin. This year's theme is "Enhancing Safety Critical Performance." This year, Prof. Vera Hagemann, Michèle Rieth, and Lara Watermann have participated with a total of five contributions in Italy:

The oral presentations were:

  • Adaptable automation and its effect on perceived competence and autonomy (Rieth, Onnasch & Hagemann)
  • Development of Teamwork Processes, Collective Orientation and Stress during a simulated Mars Mission in the Crew and Support Teams (Hagemann, Watermann & Heinicke)
  • Non-technical skills in firefighting – development, implementation, and evaluation of a team training for enhancing safety critical performance (Heinemann, Aust, Holtz, Peifer & Hagemann)

The poster contributions were:

  • Can autonomous agents lead to human-autonomy teaming? – A view into the field and implications for research and practice (Rieth & Hagemann)
  • Risky decision making due to goal conflicts in firefighting – debriefing as a countermeasure to enhance safety behaviour (Hagemann, Heinemann, Aust, Holtz & Peifer)

The Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources was pleased to have seen many colleagues in person again after a long time. The contributions we presented met with a good response and the contributions from colleagues were also very informative.


New publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Lena Heinemann

New publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Lena Heinemann on the connection between experienced goal conflicts in operations and risky decision making
We would like to draw your attention to the paper "Risky decision making due to goal conflicts in firefighting - debriefing as a countermeasure to enhance safety behaviour". Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann published this paper together with Ms. Lena Heinemann and three other authors in the journal Safety.
The publication is freely available here.


A teacher in front of a group of listeners in a seminar room.

Participation in the HFES Conference in Turin

From April 20-22, 2022, the conference of the "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter" (HFES) will be held in presence in Turin. This year's theme is "Enhancing Safety Critical Performance." This year, Prof. Vera Hagemann, Michèle Rieth, and Lara Watermann will participate with a total of five contributions in Italy:

The oral presentations are:

  • Adaptable automation and its effect on perceived competence and autonomy (Rieth, Onnasch & Hagemann)
  • Development of Teamwork Processes, Collective Orientation and Stress during a simulated Mars Mission in the Crew and Support Teams (Hagemann, Watermann & Heinicke)
  • Non-technical skills in firefighting – development, implementation, and evaluation of a team training for enhancing safety critical performance (Heinemann, Aust, Holtz, Peifer & Hagemann)

The poster contributions are:

  • Can autonomous agents lead to human-autonomy teaming? – A view into the field and implications for research and practice (Rieth & Hagemann)
  • Risky decision making due to goal conflicts in firefighting – debriefing as a countermeasure to enhance safety behaviour (Hagemann, Heinemann, Aust, Holtz & Peifer)

The Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources is looking forward to the conference and hopes to meet many colleagues in person after a long time.

Analoge Astronauten während eines Außeneinsatzes

INTERTEAM has started in the Negev Desert in Israel

After intensive preparations, the isolation phase of the 13th analogue Mars mission AMADEE-20 of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) began on 11 October 2021. More than 25 experiments will be carried out, including the INTERTEAM project of the University of Bremen. INTERTEAM is a cooperation between the Chair of Business Psychology and Human Resources and ZARM under the direction of Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke. The project researches team processes, cohesion and the performance of interdependent working teams. More


Foto vor dem Feuerwehrauto

Dress rehearsal in the project "Strong together" was successful

On the weekend (17. & 18.9.) we were finally able to put the results of the first one and a half years of the project into practice and carry out our freshly developed team training with firefighters of the volunteer fire department of the joint municipality Thedinghausen - local fire department Riede. With numerous case studies, exercises and discussions, various areas of teamwork in fire protection operations were addressed. We had a lot of fun to finally present our elaborations to the target group and are grateful for the input and feedback of the participants. In the next step, we will conduct the training with trainees of the Cologne Fire Department to evaluate its effectiveness.

The aim of the DGUV-funded third-party project "Strong Together - Team Training Firefighting" is to develop, implement and evaluate a professional team training concept for fire protection training that is specially adapted to this target group. The training aims to improve the team processes in operational force structures in terms of non-technical skills such as communication, coordination, decision-making and leadership behavior, for greater safety and less stress during operations.


New Publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We are pleased to share our new publication “Automation as an equal team player for humans? - A view into the field and implications for research and practice” in the journal “Applied Ergonomics” (Q1 Journal). It deals with teamwork between humans and automation, known as "Human-Autonomy Teaming" (HAT), which is becoming increasingly possible as a result of technical advances.

Based on 28 international expert interviews, we analyze the practical reality and feasibility of HAT, taking into account the current possibilities of various industries and science. In addition, from an expert's point of view, the requirements for HAT are identified that are necessary in order to be able to use automation as effectively as possible in the sense of a team player for humans. Those aspects are transferred into a model and the need for further research in the area of ​​HAT is derived. The results show that the concept of the HAT is hardly applied in practice but that the scientifically discussed topics are relevant to practice. Today's technology is far from being able to meet the identified requirements for successful HAT. It is now up to researchers and practitioners to jointly pave the way for a successful HAT, whereby the presented model and the identified research needs can serve as orientation.

The publication is currently freely available here.

Bildmarke INQA

New third-party funded project KARAT

The project "Artificial intelligence for healthy work in driving professions: Workload and Safety in Traffic and Transport (KARAT)" implements an employee-oriented AI application to support the driving professions in Germany. By using individual data, physiological reactions and driving data as well as publicly available data (e.g. weather data, major events, traffic situations), an analysis of workload based on machine learning is developed. This application allows the prognosis of the individually health and work related optimal travel and shift scheduling and suggests measures for stress reduction as well as optimal work, assignment and route planning.

Das Projektkonsortium besteht aus den erfahrenen Forschungspartnern FOM Hochschule Essen (Koordination), Universität BremenUniversität Duisburg-Essen und Universität Hohenheim sowie den Praxispartnern Duisport-Gruppe (Duisburg), dem KMU-Transport­unternehmen Sherwood (Köln) und dem Speditionsverband VSL NRW (Düsseldorf).

New Publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention on the book "Künstliche Intelligenz in Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft". In this book Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and three other authors publish the book chapter: "Künstliche Intelligenz zur Unterstützung neuer Arbeitswelten in Produktion und Logistik" (S. 155-167).

Members of the University of Bremen have free access to this book as an e-book in the library. 
You can find it under the following link:


Test tubes with different coloured liquids.

New research project approved

Starts soon: Strong together - professional team training for more safety and less stress in fire fighting

Dealing with dangerous situations and stress is part of the work of firefighters. According to the accident statistics of the German Statutory Accident Insurance (DGUV) for volunteer fire brigades, accidents and injuries occur repeatedly during emergency response and especially during firefighting. Understanding and applying effective teamwork processes within the emergency force structures (group, squadron, troop) can reduce accidents during stressful situations. Teamwork processes can already be specifically trained in fire safety training, although such training is not yet provided for in previous training guidelines.
The aim of our project is therefore to develop, implement and evaluate a professional team training concept for fire protection training that is specially tailored to fire protection. The aim of the training is to improve the team processes in emergency response structures with regard to non-technical skills such as communication, coordination, decision making and management behaviour, for more safety and less stress in operations. These are conveyed in a practice-oriented manner using typical fire brigade case studies and trained in practical deployment exercises.

Project partners are: Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann (University of Bremen), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Corinna Peifer (Ruhr-University Bochum), Jessica Freywald (Professional Fire Department Cologne), Maik Holtz (Professional Fire Department Cologne)

The project was approved by the DGUV and is expected to start in spring 2020. In addition to material and travel expenses, Prof. Hagemann was also granted a position for a scientific employee for 3 years.


Visit to the AOW Conference in Braunschweig

From 25 to 27 September, the conference of the DGP's Section for Work, Organisational and Economic Psychology (AOW) took place in Braunschweig.
This year Michèle Rieth, Martina Schaper and Prof. Vera Hagemann were present for a professional exchange. For the presentation of current research results from the Diamant project, Martina Schaper presented a poster on the topic "Development of a Risk Assessment - Assessment of the Hazard Potential of Digitized Workplaces". Michèle Rieth presented concepts and initial findings during her doctorate in her lecture on "Analysis of Competence Requirements for Employees in High Reliability Organizations due to the Introduction of Automation". Vera Hagemann gave a lecture on Wednesday on "Analysis of the effects of process feedback on resource- and goal-oriented communication to support teamwork processes" and on Thursday on "Cooperation on the rails: effective design of non-technical skill training for train drivers". Another very important and topical topic at the conference was Human Resource Analytics, and how we can prepare our students of work, organizational and business psychology for these developments in practice.

New Publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention to the book "Verwaltungspsychologie - Ein Lehrbuch für das Studium". In this book Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Prof. Dr. Annette Kluge of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum publish the book chapter "Organizational and Personnel Development" (pp. 63-101). 
You can find it under the following link:


Kick-off event of the DIAMANT project in Bonn

On 06.12.18 the kick-off meeting of the project "Digitalized Ideas and Work Management in Production, Logistics and Trade" (DIAMANT) took place in Bonn. The internal project meeting of the partners served the personal presentation of relevant questions, the exchange of experiences in the implementation of digitization in companies as well as the team building for the joint project work in the next three years. The participants were the University of Trier (project coordinator), the University of Bremen, the FOM University, the University of Duisburg-Essen, Balcke-Dürr, BOGE and REWE.

Students talking in a seminar room.

International Teams and Diversity - Project Module with ZF Friedrichshafen AG

The project module, of the fifth semester in the focus "Behavior-oriented WiWi" in the Bachelor BWL, will take place in cooperation with ZF Friedrichshafen AG this year. 
The topic of the project module is: "International Teams and Diversity". 

We are very pleased to welcome the entire ZF Friedrichshafen AG team to our university in October. 

The kick-off event will take place on Tuesday, 16.10.2018, at 16:00 in the WiWi 1 building, room A1030. 

Gebäude in Frankfurt

Congress of the German Society of Psychology in Frankfurt

From 15 to 20 September 2018, the 51st Congress of the German Society of Psychology took place in Frankfurt am Main under the motto "Psychology Shapes". 

The program was very diversified and the Göthe-University Frankfurt as organizer of the congress welcomed us in best weather. On Thursday, September 20, Professor Hagemann gave her lecture on "Interrelations between individual and team-level process feedback and collective orientation, need for cognition and interdependent team performance". 

Information about the congress and impressions can be found here:



Vera Hagemann

Entering the Service

On March 01, 2018 Prof. Dr. Dipl-Psych. Vera Hagemann took up the professorship for Human Resources and now represents the department in research and teaching.

Vera Hagemann

Visit from Dr. Agnieszka Skorupa from Katowice

We are delighted that Dr Agnieszka Skorupa from the University of Silesia in Katowice visited us on 22 and 23 April. Agnieszka is a psychologist specialising in the analysis of human behaviour in extreme situations, such as during polar expeditions or space missions. It was an honour to welcome her as a guest and to show her our MaMBA habitat at ZARM. We thank her very much for the intensive and very inspiring exchange with her and her presentation for our students.



Successful Participation in the HFES Conference in Liverpool

From April 26-28, 2023, the conference of the "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter" (HFES) took place in Liverpool at the venerable Royal Liver Building. This year, Prof. Vera Hagemann and Dr. Arnd Meiser participated on site in England. Vera Hagemann led the session on workload on Thursday morning. We were also very pleased to be able to present current research results from our third-party funded project KARAT on site. The title of the poster is "Assessing the vigilance of truck drivers during a normal working day using Electroencephalography."
The work we presented was well received and the contributions of our colleagues were also very informative. Liverpool as well as the location of the conference were very impressive and also the weather was of the best. Likewise, the physical well-being was excellently taken care of. We enjoyed the conference visit very much.



Tour of the training facility in the ENTRAPon research project

On Wednesday, April 18, 2023, Prof. Vera Hagemann visited HKM in Duisburg as part of her consulting work in the ENTRAPon research project (Development of additional training elements for the prevention of tripping, slipping and falling accidents; cooperation between Ruhr University Bochum, London South Bank University and Koblenz University of Applied Sciences ) and was able to inspect the modern simulation and training facility on site and try it out for herself. Part of this facility is a VR-based awareness training on the Virtualizer, as well as the course "to stumble" and the pertubation training on the treadmill. It was great fun to visit the facilities and especially to actively test them out. The research project, sponsored by the DGUV, is progressing very well.

Promotionskolloquium Michèle Rieth

Successful doctorate of Dr. Michèle Rieth

Dr Michèle Rieth has successfully completed her doctorate on the topic of "Effects of increasing automation on employees in High Reliability Organizations - An analysis of the changed work role and requirements taking into account work design using the example of the job profile of air traffic controllers" under the supervision of Prof. Dr Vera Hagemann on 19 September 2022 in the doctoral colloquium. She will continue to work as a PostDoc at the Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources at the University of Bremen.

Sonnenuntergang in der Negev Wüste

INTERTEAM-Lecture at the Centre of Transformative Work Design of the Curtin University Perth

Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann will give a lecture together with Lara Watermann about the INTERTEAM project at the Centre of Transformative Work Design (Curtin University, Perth, Australia) under the direction of Prof. Sharon K. Parker. The lecture on the INTERTEAM project, which is conducted by the Chair of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management at the University of Bremen in cooperation with ZARM as part of the AMADEE-20 analogue Mars Mission, will take place digitally on Tuesday, 02 November 2021.

Successful participation in the AOWI conference in Chemnitz

The working group of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management took part in the 12th conference of the division of Work, Organizational, Business, and Engineering Psychology (Arbeits-, Organisations-, Wirtschafts- und Ingenieurspsychologie, AOWI) of the German Society for Psychology (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie ,DGPs) in Chemnitz from September 22 to 24, 2021. The conference was organized in a hybrid way, i.e. some of the participants - including Prof. Vera Hagemann, Lena Heinemann and Michèle Rieth - were able to join in-person at the TU Chemnitz, while the other part could join digitally. The working group was represented with a total of five contributions: two from the project “Strong Together, one on the Covid-19 pandemic, one on feedback and teamwork and another one on human-autonomy teaming. Although it was a bit strange to give a presentation in a large auditorium in front of a small in-person audience, the Department of Business Psychology & Human Resource Management looks back on the conference with pleasure and is happy to have met colleagues again after a long time.

Bild Studie zu Covid-19

New publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann on the effects of the Covid-19 measures on employees

We are pleased to share our new publication "The Impact of Telework and Closure of Educational and Childcare Facilities on Working People During COVID-19" in the German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie).

The study examines the impact of telework and closure of educational and childcare facilities on working people during COVID-19. We compare telework versus nontelework conditions and people with and without stay-at-home children. Data from 465 working people in Germany were collected via an online survey. People who do not work from home experienced more stress, more negative and less positive affect, less life satisfaction and trust in government, but also less loss of control over career success than those working from home. Concerning the conservation of resources theory, working from home can thus be seen as a resource gain, representing, in accordance with the self-regulation theory, a way to deal with pandemic threats. However, home office only seems to be beneficial if working conditions at home are supportive; otherwise, it is experienced as a resource threat or loss, especially with stay-at-home children.

You can find the publication freely available here.



Participation in the AOWI conference in Chemnitz

From September 22 to 24 2021, the conference of the Division of Work, Organizational, Business, and Engineering Psychology (AOWI) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) will take place in Chemnitz. This year's motto is "Sustainable interaction with people and technology". This conference is one of the most important events in the business psychology community and we are very pleased to be widely represented there.

This year, Prof. Vera Hagemann, Lena Heinemann and Michèle Rieth will be on site for a professional exchange. Specifically, the Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources will be represented with a total of two symposia and five papers. The symposia will be chaired by Prof. Hagemann, one on "Working in Times of Covid-19" and one on "Safe Teamwork and Rule Breaking in High Risk Organizations". Michèle Rieth will give a presentation on the former about the impact of Covid-19 measures on employees. Lena Heinemann and colleagues will give two presentations on the second about the development of a questionnaire to assess stressors and resources in teamwork in fire protection operations as well as their collection for the purpose of training development. Vera Hagemann will present findings from her laboratory studies on "The effects of collective orientation and process feedback on coordination and performance of interdependent teams". Michèle Rieth will additionally present findings from her doctoral dissertation in a talk titled "Key Aspects for the Implementation of Human Automation Interaction and Human Autonomy Teaming - An Expert Study". The Department of Business Psychology & Human Resources is looking forward to the conference and hopes to meet many colleagues in person again after a long time.

Detailed information on the individual contributions can be found here.


An attentive audience in the crowded auditorium.

Presentation by Prof. Vera Hagemann at the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) information event on employee motivation in July 2021

The Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V., a network with over 11,000 members worldwide from industry, trade and logistics, regularly organizes online events on relevant topics, new technologies and exciting projects.

On July 21, 2021, an online event will specifically address human resources in logistics. Logistics struggles with a bad image: employee leasing, heavy work and low wages lead to a high fluctuation especially on the store floor level. At the same time, the job profile of the logistician is becoming increasingly technological. It is in the interest of companies to retain personnel in the long term. As part of this event, Prof. Hagemann will give a keynote speech on the topic of "Motivation in the workplace".

Publikation Human Autonomy Teaming – Die Teamarbeit der Zukunft

New e-book publication

At the chair of Business Psychology and Human Resources at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics of the University of Bremen, students in the bachelor's program Business Studies with a major in Behavioral Economics, wrote a book on "Human Autonomy Teaming" as part of the project module "Human Resource Management and Business Psychology "and published it online under the direction of the module coordinators Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Michèle Rieth, M.Sc.

“Siri, what's the weather like today?” Or “Alexa, is there a traffic jam on the A1 between Bremen and Hamburg?” This type of interaction between people and technology is widespread today and already represents a small Human Autonomy Team. Technical advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence enable this new form of teamwork. Such a team consists of at least one person and one technical entity, the so-called autonomous agent, who work together interdependently in order to successfully complete a common task. Nowadays, technical systems are no longer viewed as pure tools, but can increasingly act independently as team members. Accordingly, team and automation research has increasingly devoted itself to this area, which is also what this book addresses.

The book is the result of the project module and is available at the following link. Over the course of the semester, the students independently devoted themselves to various aspects of Human Autonomy Teaming, such as the requirements of this new form of teamwork or areas of application as well as the future of Human Autonomy Teaming, and recorded their findings in the five chapters. An intensive scientific literature research preceded this. The contents of the chapters were discussed and reflected upon together during the seminar. In addition, every student participates in a project group on topics such as layout, editing, citation, etc. Although the project module was very complex, from the point of view of all involved people, it was worthwhile with an enormously steep learning curve: The result is impressive!


You can also find the publication here:
Rieth, M. & Hagemann, V. (Hrsg.). (2021). Human Autonomy Teaming – Die Teamarbeit der Zukunft. Media, Universität Bremen.


Here, you can also find a report on this topic in the University of Bremen Online Magazine up2date.


New research project AMADEE-20 Mars Simulation

The mission of the research project AMADEE-20 is aimed to study equipment behaviour involving the simultaneous deployment of instruments and robotic vehicles with humans-in-the-loop, including research-grade spacesuit simulators. Furthermore, it is intended to develop platforms for testing life-detection or geoscientific techniques, robotic support tools providing a high situational awareness and to catalyse the visibility of planetary exploration. Lastly, it is targeted to evolve the know-how of managing crewed missions to Mars by deploying a realistic Mission Support decision making framework. If you would like to have more information about the mission please visit the following website:

The project is managed by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann (University of Bremen, Department of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management) and Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke (University of Bremen, ZARM - Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity). Additionally, Lara Watermann (M.Sc.) from the Department of Business Psychology and Human Resource Management supports the team.


Publikation Journal

New Publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention to the publication "Collective orientation and its implications for coordination and team performance in interdependent work contexts" in the journal "Team Performance Management", which Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann has published together with two other authors.

Members of the University of Bremen can find this publication here.


Vortrag bei der WK Personal in Düsseldorf

Lecture held at the WK Personal in Düsseldorf

On Thursday (17.09.) Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann held a lecture on "Characteristics in digital logistics work: Measurement of mental stress and strain". A special feature of this year's event was that, despite Corona, it took place live on site and was not digitally performed. The exchange in the review board was perceived as extremely valuable. In addition to the excellent weather, the organization of the conference and the (working) atmosphere were excellent.

Gruppenfoto Projekttreffen

Meeting of the Project DIAMANT on 24.06.2019

On 24.06.19 the second internal working meeting of the project "Digitalized Ideas and Work Management in Production, Logistics and Trade" (DIAMANT) took place at the FOM University in Essen. The meeting of the partners from science and practice served the presentation of the results from the first work packages and the personal exchange of experiences in the conversion of digitization strategies in the respective enterprises. In concrete terms, the results of the interviews conducted in the companies in the first work package were discussed. These serve as a basis for the development of the Risk Assessment Tool, the pretest of which is currently underway. Initial evaluations of the pretest have already been presented and discussed.

A further focus of the presentation of results was the joint process analysis carried out in the course of the second work package in the form of the interaction room as the basis for the digitisation strategies to be worked out. In addition, the subsequent project steps were discussed and prepared. Among other things, the focus here was on the use of the risk assessment tool in the companies and the design of the learning and experiment rooms. In addition, the transfer process was presented in the form of relevant publications and planned workshops.

Participating partners from the scientific community were the University of Trier (project coordinator), the University of Bremen, the FOM University and the University of Duisburg-Essen. The expert support was represented by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). The practical partners were represented by Balcke-Dürr, BOGE and REWE.

Journal Beitrag

New Publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention to the journal article "Changes of collective orientation through a medical student's anaesthesia simulation course - simulation-based training study with non-technical skills debriefing versus medical debriefing". Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann published this together with four other authors in the journal "BMC Medical Education".

You can find the article under the following link:


Lecture by Michèle Rieth in the Diginomics Brownbag

On Wednesday the 10.7. our PhD student Michèle Rieth gives her research talk on "New Competence Requirements in Organizations due to Digitization" in the Brownbag. The lecture will take place in WiWi 2 Room 4190 from 12.15 to 13.45.

All interested are cordially invited.



Final Presentation in the Project Module with ZF Friedrichshafen AG

The project module, of the fifth semester in the focus "Behavior-oriented WiWi" in the Bachelor BWL, took place this year in cooperation with ZF Friedrichshafen AG. The topic of the project module was: "International Teams and Diversity".

On January 29, 2019, the final presentation took place as part of the project module. We welcomed the ZF Friedrichshafen AG team to the final presentation at the University of Bremen.
The project module was very successful and we look forward to continuing our cooperation in the future. 


New Publication by Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We would like to draw your attention to the book "Arbeitswelten der Zukunft". In this book Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and four other authors publish the book chapter: "Arbeitswelten der Logistik im Wandel - Gestaltung digitisierter Arbeit im Kontext des Internet der Dinge und von Industrie 4.0." (pp. 67-85). Students of the University of Bremen have free access to this book as an e-book in the library. 
You can find it under the following link:

Gebäude in Frankfurt

Lecture at the Congress of the German Society of Psychology

From 15 to 20 September 2018, the 51st Congress of the German Society of Psychology will take place in Frankfurt am Main under the motto "Psychology Shapes".

On Thursday, September 20, Professor Hagemann will give her lecture on "Interrelations between Individual- and Team-Level Process Feedback and Collective Orientation, Need for Cognition and Interdependent Team Performance".

Information about the congress and the program can be found here: