Christian Elsenbast, External Doctoral Student


External Doctoral Student



Current Position

Since   2020


Fraunhofer-Institut for Experimental Softwarengineering IESE (Digital Healthcare);
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Research Assistance

Previous Position

2019 - 2020 Malteser Training Center Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland
Learning facilitator in rescue service education and training
2011 - 2019Learning facilitator in adult education
2010 - 2011  Watch leader & safety officer in rescue service and qual. Ambulance service


2019 -    Technical University Kaiserslautern
Adult Education, Master of Arts
2019 - 2021Donau-University Krems
Neurocognition and social competence, Master of Science
2017 - 2020  Donau-University Krems
Business and Organizational Psychology, Master of Arts
2018    Arbeiter Samariter Bund, Training and Further Education Center, Mainz
 Practice manager in rescue service
2016       TÜV Süd
QM auditor
2016    German Red Cross, RLP Training Institute, Mainz
Emergency Paramedic
2009     Rescue Service Academy, Düsseldorf
Teaching rescue assistant
2009 Rescue Service Academy, Düsseldorf
state-certified disinfector
2005 - 2006Professional Fire Department Trier
Rescue assistant
2004    German Red Cross, Educational Institute RLP, Mainz





Doctoral Thesis

Chirstian Elsenbast is doing his doctorate on the topic of  "Development and evaluation of intelligent systems in control centers of authorities and organizations with security tasks from the perspective of the end user."