Summer and Winter Schools

Summer or winter school programs give students the opportunity to gain experience abroad without having to leave for the entire semester. As a rule, the schools take place in the lecture-free period of the offering universities, so it often happens that these are during our lectures due to our semester periods. It is therefore necessary to check individually whether it fits into your own study plan.

Summer and Winter Schools may not be attended at our partner universities, they may be taken at any other universities. The same guidelines apply here as when choosing a Free Mover university. A large overview of worldwide offers can be foundhere. Offers from partner universities are published in Stud.IP under "Office for Practice and International Affairs".

If courses of a summer school are to be recognized, the same rules apply as for a semester abroad, which means a learning agreement must be signed beforehand.

Our faculty also offers a summer school for international guest students. In contrast to summer school concepts worldwide, ours takes place during the lecture period, so that international summer school guests study together with Bremen students. Many courses are also integrated into the regular Bachelor curriculum and offer the opportunity to get in contact with international students. As part of our summer school, Bremen and international teachers offer block courses in the last half of the summer semester. Students of the Faculty of Business and Economics can regularly have the events of the Summer School recognized for their Bachelor's degree. Further information about the Summer School can be foundhere.