Offers for Alumni
We would like to keep in contact with you...
The Office for Practice and International Affairs is available as a contact point for graduates of our faculty.
For most of them, the time of their studies still remains in their thoughts. Unforgettable for you will be hours of mutual learning or personal encounters and friendships, exciting discussions and new insights as well as participation in social events such as the "Night of the Profs", the career network evening or the participation in the Practical Experience Summer Camp.
At regular intervals and in various ways, we would like to invite you to events, be it to exchange among the alumni, for example during an alumni dinner. Or we offer you the opportunity to share your career experience with our students, whether as mentors or as lecturers in seminars on career orientation. Of course, all offers that are generally available for companies are also available to you.
The aim is to constantly expand the alumni network and to cultivate contacts with alumni. For this purpose, we use the network portal LinkedIn with a special group, to which all graduates, as well as students of our faculty, can network and have the possible to make lifelong contacts.
Would you like to stay connected with the University of Bremen and our faculty? If yes, please become a member of our central Alumni Association. With your membership you will have special advantages, like keeping your university mail account which is also the key to our faculty Alumni/Carreer Portal: LINK
Contact options
Questions about practice and alumni answered:
The Office for Practice and Transfer, contact: Maren Hartstock
phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | e-mail: |
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1 | 28359 Bremen | building WIWI 1 - room: A 3420
Would you like to make an appointment with the Office for Practice and Transfer?
Then please send us an e-mail.
Follow and network:
Practice activities of FB 07: Instagram (Praxis)
Personal networking with Maren Hartstock: LinkedIn / XING