Academic Program Curriculum

Course of Study

The focus of the Master’s degree program is on an interdisciplinary link between business studies, organizational and occupational psychology contents. The interactive didactics by lecturers and interdisciplinary teams of students is a unique feature in this program. Students carry out independent research projects in exemplary research fields. These projects have relevance for application in the real world.

In the first semester of the four-semester program, disciplinary foundations of psychology and industrial/organizational psychology as well as business studies are taught or refreshed. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are another focus of the first semester. In the second semester, industrial and organizational psychology gets a deeper focus. Theoretical approaches of organizational theory are also looked at. The third semester contains a further specialization of business psychology topics. The fourth semester contains only the master thesis. Graduation from this program allows for PhD studies.

A high level of qualification in the area of quantitative methods (12 CP statistics / mathematics) is required for admission.


A unique aspect of the Bremen curriculum is the interdisciplinary orientation of the course of studies with equal shares of psychological and business studies focal points. In research, both qualitative methods of empirical social research and quantitative methods are used.


The University of Bremen uses the learning and course management system Stud.IP (Study Accompanying Internet Support of Classroom Teaching). The registration requires the username and password of the account given by the Center for Networks (ZfN) for e-mail and other network services. Students receive an activation code and an activation password with their enrollment documents. At the beginning of the semester students should register for their courses via Stud.IP. Here, there are course materials and announcements from teachers. Students can also manage their timetable, use discussion forums, access the bulletin board, and much more.


Internships are not included in the Master's degree program, but can be carried out at the student's own request and initiative during the lecture-free period. For questions about the implementation of an internship, the Office for Practice and Transfer of the faculty is available.

Semester Abroad

Studying abroad is not an obligation in the Master's degree program in Business Psychology. However, the last academic year is structured in such a way that an optional semester abroad can be carried out. The recognition of study achievements abroad can be facilitated in advance through the acquisition of Learning Agreements. The courses and services will be determined in consultations with the Office for International Affairs before the start of the planned semester abroad.

Further information can be found on the homepage of the faculty in section International Affairs - Outgoings.