Mentoring Program for Female Students

Special support for female students - our mentoring program of the Women's Representative Council

For many years, the topic of "women in leadership positions" has been the focus of politics and business. According to the current Mixed-Leadership-Barometer from Ernst & Young, the successes are still manageable - depending on the industry, the shares of women in boards are between 1–14%.

Numerous support programs are intended to increase the quota of female board members and bring about a more equal balance of power. However, these programs often start at points where young women have already made initial career choices, work full-time and have chosen a path. In addition, it is very ambitious to directly develop a board position as a goal.

First of all, it would be more effective to accompany young women on their way into responsible positions early on in their development. Rather, it makes sense, in exchange with an unbiased mentor, to formulate wishes and ideas about the future life and to consider measures to achieve these goals.

For this purpose, the women's representative of the faculty first set up a women's mentoring program as a pilot project in 2018.

Within the scope of an approximately one-year period, each student will be provided with a mentor – usually an alumna of our department – in the form of tandems in order to develop concrete ideas about their own future, depending on the respective study and life situation. These include for example, the identification of strengths, preferences, weaknesses and "construction sites".

The exchange in the tandems is predominantly self-directed and is individually designed by the mentee and mentor. Selected milestone dates in the overall group are organized on an accompanying basis. This is done on the one hand by joint events of all participants of the program, but also separately, for example in the context of a "positioning" by the students or the exchange / training of the mentors with each other. Central appointments are led by a professional coach and the participants are empowered to provide each other with support.

The program gives young women the opportunity to benefit from the experiences of graduates of their own university and to build up a network. It also gives mentors the opportunity to exchange with the student generation and the opportunity to learn from it.

If you are interested in becoming a mentee or mentor, please contact the women's representative of the faculty: fraufb7protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

The Women's Mentoring Program is also creditable as part of the CDE module  "Career Developmemt and Employability". Attendance at all scheduled events (workshops, coaching sessions, and networking events) can earn up to 3 CP as an equivalent.

If you are interested in becoming a mentee or mentor, please contact the women's representative of the department: fraufb7protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Web Site of the women's representative with more details about the women mentoring program.



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Questions answered about the topic areas Practice or Transfer:

The Office for Practice and Transfer, contact person: Maren Hartstock.

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | E-mail: |

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