Offers for Students

We focus on the career development of our students:

  • development of soft skills relevant to the profession,
  • support in the transition from study to work,
  • organizing networking with potential employers from various industries and company sizes
  • offering our own career portal (offering internships and jobs as well as announcing practice-relevant events) and
  • testing real-life practical tasks, i.e. putting theoretical knowledge into practice.
A pinboard full of flyers.

Job and Career Portal

The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics regularly receives job and internship offers from various companies and institutions.

Matej Meza


An internship is not compulsory during the course of the study, but may supplement the study on a voluntary basis and be recognized as a study achievement under certain conditions.

Students talking in a seminar room.

Workshops and Events

The Office for Practice and Internationals Affairs organizes various events, seminars and workshops with direct practical relevance throughout the academic year.

Questions on the topic of career counselling and development of career-relevant soft skills answered:

The Office for Practice and Transfer, contact: Maren Hartstock

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66505 | Fax: +49 (0)421 218-98-66505 | E-Mail: |

Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1 | 28359 Bremen | Germany | Building WIWI 1 - Room: A 3420


Would you like to make an appointment with the Office for Practice and Transfer?

Then send us an e-mail with your preferred date.


Follow and network:

Practical activities of the FB 07: Instagram (Praxis)

Personal networking with Maren Hartstock: LinkedIn / XING