Quality Management

Audience in a crowded lecture hall.
Matej Meza
Audience in a crowded lecture hall.

Quality Management at Faculty 7 in Teaching and Studies

The faculty relies on short and direct information channels in the implementation of its quality management (QM). The Dean of Studies and the Study Center are the central points of contact and coordination for quality issues in learning and teaching. The various members of the faculty are involved in QM topics depending on their function.

The following key figures and aspects are the focus of the QM measures in teaching and studying:

  • number of students in appropriate study time (standard duration plus two semester)
  • drop out rate
  • graduation rate
  • student motivation and satisfaction
  • international experience (e.g. semester abroad, integration of international guest lecturers)
  • ensuring professional ability
  • onboarding and initial study phase
  • assurance of studyability


A well-functioning QM system requires facilities and staff members within the faculty who support these processes.

The Study Center for Business Studies and Economics informs and advises students and prospective students about the structure and curriculum of the faculty's degree programs. It organizes information events and and provides materials on current study-related topics. Both new and advanced students find a specialist advice center here.

International student mobility is coordinated by the faculty's Office for International Affairs. The office provides advice on all questions relating to studying abroad. Learning agreements are coordinated with the colleagues when preparing for a stay abroad, so that a smooth recognition of achievements is possible without extending the study period.

Practical and transfer matters are coordinated by the faculty's Office for Practice and Transfer. The office establishes contacts with practice partners, organizes practice-related courses and coordinates the integration of student internships into the programs.


All quality management measures serve to review the above-mentioned objectives and processes. They thus contribute to the further development of existing study programs. All those involved in the faculty – teaching staff, students, employees and alumni – are expected to make a joint contribution to this goal.