Staff Mobility

The Faculty of Business Studies and Economics would like to offer experiences abroad not only to our students, but also to our teachers, researchers and administrators.

International experience of our employees radiates into various areas of work and tasks and supports the internationalization efforts of the department. They promote professional development through further training abroad and through internships at a partner university or equivalent institutions abroad. For central members in particular, taking on a guest lecture is an important aspect of continuing education, such as the foreign-language teaching experience. At the same time, they strengthen the international dimension of the host university, supplement their curriculum and impart their expertise to students who do not want to or can not study abroad. The exchange and networking with foreign colleagues is also given an important role. It contributes to the intensification of the relationship with our partner universities and enables experiences with other higher education systems.

In principle, stays with universities must be coordinated so that regular teaching and research operations are not affected by an exchange. A business travel application must be submitted, which also ensures protection in the event of an accident. A sufficient health insurance plan is a requirements. The financial support for additional expenses, such as travel and subsistence costs, can be acquired through special support programs.

Within Europe, a stay at a partner university of the department can be supported through the Erasmus+ program. Two types of stay are distinguished:

  1. the lecturer exchange and
  2. the personnel exchange

Faculty Exchange

The Erasmus+ program offers university lecturers and academic staff of the University of Bremen the opportunity to teach for at least 5 working days or 8 lessons up to a maximum of 60 days at partner universities of the faculty. The cooperations can also be used for research purposes or to expand their own research network. An important prerequisite is the agreement with the cooperating university and the existence of a bilateral agreement for lecturer mobility with the university in question for the coming year. For the travel and subsistence expenses at the host university, a subsidy rate to be determined according to country is available.

The annual application deadline is 31.10. Also after 31.10. applications can be submitted. These will be approved (even at short notice), provided that funds are still available.

Further information on the application process and the amount of funding can be found on the websites of the central International Office.

Guest lectureships are also possible at other partner universities outside Europe. There are sometimes separate scholarship programs for funding, via the DAAD, or the host universities take over flight and / or subsistence costs. If interested, contact the Office for International Affairs.

Staff Exchange

With the aim of continuing the process of internationalization at universities, the Erasmus+ program supports further education and training. In contrast to the mobility of lecturers, however, the focus of this form of mobility is not in teaching and scientific exchange. It promotes the possibility of employees to gain experience abroad. Financially supported are, participation in Erasmus Staff Weeks, internships, workshops or language courses. The Erasmus mobility for employees is explicitly supported by the university management and is part of the personnel development program of the University of Bremen.

A selection of partner universities where you can work and learn in the context of staff mobility can be foundhere. Please note that only higher education institutions in the Erasmus+ area can be selected.

In addition, there is the possibility to register via so-called "Staff Weeks". These are fixed weekly programs or workshops, to which a foreign university invites all partner universities. The Staff Week offers, which mostly include cultural and tourist elements, can be found on the IMOTION portal. Please note that there may be restrictions on applying to higher education institutions that do not have a partnership with the University of Bremen.

The annual application deadline is 31.10. Also after 31.10. applications can still be submitted. These will be approved (even at short notice), provided that funds are still available.

Further information on the application process and the amount of funding can be found on the websites of the central International Office.

For doctoral candidates, technical and language courses outside the ERASMUS area can also be funded through the PROMOS program. There is a one-time course fee of currently 500,- Euro.

Application Deadlines for PROMOS: October 31st for all those who plan to participate in the program abroad between January 1st and June 30th of the following calendar year (eg if your program starts on May 15th and ends on September 30th, you have to register by October 31st Last year) and 1 March for all those who start their program abroad from the following 1 July.