Academic Program Curriculum

Course of Study

The Master's degree program Business Studies (BWL) has a standard duration of four semesters and concludes with the degree "Master of Science" (M.Sc.). As a consecutive study program, the Master of Business Studies requires a Bachelor’s degree in Business Studies or Economics. The content of the Master's course is oriented towards the challenges of international business activities as well as the economic and social consequences of internationalization and globalization. The Master’s degree program includes courses taught in English, e.g. by international guest lecturers.


The program is divided into four areas, each of which has a total of 30 ECTS:

  1. Special Courses 1
  2. Special Courses 2
  3. Elective Subjects
  4. Master Thesis


In the first semester, students choose two specializations, in each of which a project module can be taken. All offered emphases can be combined with each other. The degree program also includes up to five elective modules, which are regularly selected according to the inclination and interests of the students. The third semester serves to expand competences in academic work with a view to the Master's thesis in the fourth semester.


The Master's degree program in Business Studies does not focus on providing detailed knowledge, but rather on skills for developing complex problem solutions that are based on a broader economic foundation. In view of the breadth of business research questions, emphasis is inevitable and necessary. The following Special Teachings are available to students in the Master's degree program, two of which are required.

The study emphasis Entrepreneurship and Management begins with start-up processes from the perspective of entrepreneurs and conveys in a compact way in-depth knowledge for the development of new business fundamentals. Secondly, the perspective of regional start-up landscapes is referred to (so-called startup ecosystems) in order to get to know all groups of players relevant for start-ups and to understand their interaction. This is intended to convey an understanding of the system. The basics will impart a strong application-oriented approach and are largely based on independent work in small groups. In addition, seminars are offered that encourage research knowledge and prepare students for their master's thesis.

Marketing consists of three parts: brand management, digital marketing and consumer behavior.

  • Brand Management: The focal point of the brand management area is the identity-based brand management approach. This approach sees brand identity as the key factor in making a brand authentic and sustainably differentiated.
  • Digital Marketing: The field of Digital Marketing highlights marketing decisions, taking into account the continuous changes in the corporate environment caused by digital technologies. This includes, on the one hand, the application of concepts and methods in dealing with strategic decision areas, such as the revision of traditional business models, and on the other hand, an overview of digital marketing tools.
  • Consumer Behavior: The focus on consumer behavior includes a comprehensive overview of concepts and methods to understand consumer behavior, to analyze it and apply it to marketing issues. In addition, the basics of empirical-experimental work are taught.

Multinational businesses control and coordinate complex value chains across different economies and institutional environments. Questions about how companies adapt their strategies and structures in order to meet the challenges of an unsafe environment and what consequences their actions have on their respective countries of origin and destination are the focus of International Management.

The special research profile in the field of finance lies in the areas of empirical financial market research, financial analysis and portfolio management as well as selected issues of banking management.

The focus will be on current issues in the application of complex IFRSs; on the other hand, the effects of external accounting will be highlighted. Particular emphasis is placed on the independent analysis of data and the relevant literature in individual and group work as well as the presentation of the results obtained.

The core element of business taxation is the analysis of the effects of taxation on economic decisions. The research focuses on selected areas of tax effects, tax planning and tax law design. In view of the global opening of the markets and the transgression of national borders, the effects of international tax law and national tax laws on the investment and financing activities of multinational companies are also analyzed.

For this area, the combination of tax-consulting and auditing professions adds the placement of application-related knowledge of the company's audit system.

The emphasis on logistics deals with the design, organization and operation of internal and external goods and information flow systems as well as traffic systems. In addition, the focus is on issues related to the provision of the necessary infrastructure for the efficient handling of logistical tasks.

The necessary tools for this include a broad spectrum of management-oriented approaches, theories and analytical-quantitative methods.

The students learn basic theoretical concepts in the field of innovation economics and gain insights into the field of innovation governance. To this end, some formal models and tools of network analysis are introduced that enhance the understanding of innovation-driven economic change. In addition, behavioral science aspects are introduced to highlight the role of human cognition in the generation process of news. A historical perspective should improve the understanding of long-term economic change.


The University of Bremen uses the learning and course management system Stud.IP (Study Accompanying Internet Support of Classroom Teaching). The registration requires the username and password of the account given by the Center for Networks (ZfN) for e-mail and other network services. Students receive an activation code and an activation password with their enrollment documents. At the beginning of the semester students should register for their courses via Stud.IP. Here, there are course materials and announcements from teachers. Students can also manage their timetable, use discussion forums, access the bulletin board, and much more.


Internships are not included in the Master's degree program, but can be carried out at the student's own request and initiative during the lecture-free period. For questions about the implementation of an internship, the Office for Practice and Transfer of the faculty is available.

Semester Abroad

Studying abroad is not an obligation in the Master's degree program in Business Studies. However, the last academic year is structured in such a way that an optional semester abroad can be carried out. The recognition of study achievements abroad can be facilitated in advance through the acquisition of Learning Agreements. The courses and services will be determined in consultations with the Office for International Affairs before the start of the planned semester abroad.

Further information can be found on the homepage of the faculty in section International Affairs - Outgoings.