Hybrid exams

Combination of e-exam, written exam and software.

After completion of the course unit (module, event), a written exam is written on the PC under supervision at the times specified by the examination board in the test center. The students create their examination performance by combining different examination forms (e-examination, software application examination, file submission, paper examination), which can be combined and integrated in different proportions depending on the examination requirements. Registration for the examination corresponds to the procedure for written examinations (usually via the ZPA). After the exam, the instructors receive the files created by the students for evaluation. Via the post-assessment function of the examination system, the results of the separately submitted examination parts are supplemented and, after completion, result lists, protocols, statistics and comments are made available in bundled form.

  • Legally secure learning success control according to the requirements of the examination regulations
  • Competence orientation of exams through
    • Use of multimedia elements and complex attachments
    • Use of subject-specific software
    • Combination of practical and theoretical parts
  • Quality assurance of exams with the help of task statistics and student comments
  • Efficiency and quality improvement in correction, question administration and exam management

See E-exam and Software application testing.

The combination can be done e.g. by:


  • Calling up software for task processing during an e-exam (e.g. providing templates, calculating results with MS-Excel and entering them into the displayed question of the e-exam, uploading the generated result files into the displayed question of the e-exam)
  • Setting tasks to be worked on in writing in an e-exam (processing on paper, e.g. drawing, mathematical proofs, solution methods),
  • separate processing in different exam phases (e-exam, programming),
  • ...

After an initial consultation on organization and feasibility (e.g. licensing issues) as well as booking of appointments in the test center, the persons responsible for the examination (PV) receive a detailed schedule for all further steps as well as access to ExamControl (support files, file exchange, flow control, appointment management, etc.). The ZMML clarifies the feasibility and prepares the test center. The PV tests the exam environment and provides the exam templates and participant lists necessary for the exam. The exam in the test center takes place under the usual conditions for written exams (supervision, only allowed aids at the place), the ZMML staff supervises every start and change between the runs (fixes log-in problems, re-registrations etc.). After the exam, depending on the form of exam used, instructors receive the products/results produced by students for grading.

Special feature:

The complex exam design requires a longer lead time than pure e-exams, especially if software not yet installed is to be used. A mock exam to prepare students is usually necessary.

  • Consulting and training on organization, examination didactics and technical implementation
  • Support and assumption of partial functions in exam management (schedules, data exchange, process control)
  • Technical preparation (server configuration, software installation, participant registration, ...)
  • Technical/organizational support at the beginning and end of each test run
  • Provision and administration of the test center
  • Compilation (ZIP file) and provision of the examination results
  • Supervision and information of students
  • Coordination with ZPA and examination board
  • Provision of the software, if necessary
  • Programming of templates and questions
  • Testing of the examination environment and the examination settings (version, plug-ins, configuration of the application, user rights, ...)
  • Provision of the list of participants as an Excel table (matriculation number, last name, first name)
  • Supervision in the test center
  • FB 02-Statistik für Naturwissenschaftler (E-Klausur, Statische Berechnungen mit R)
  • FB 03-Praktische Informatik (E-Klausur, JAVA-Programmierung mit BlueJ)
  • FB 07-Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (E-Klausur, MS-Excel, PQR, schriftliche Fragen)