Software applications

Brief description

After completion of the course unit (module, event), a practical exam is taken on the PC under supervision at the times specified by the examination board in the test center. The students create their exam performance with software installed on the PC. Registration for the exam is the same as the procedures for written exams (usually via ZPA). After the exam, the instructors receive a ZIP-file with all files created by the students.

Current applications available: R and R-Studio, Office 2016 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Spyder, BlueJ, Greenfoot, IntelliJ, PQRS, GRETL (more on demand).

  • Legally secure assessment of learning outcomes according to the requirements of the examination regulations
  • Competence orientation of examinations through the use of subject-specific software

After an initial consultation on organization and feasibility (e.g. licensing issues) as well as booking of appointments in the test center, the persons responsible for the examination (PV) receive a detailed schedule for all further steps as well as access to ExamControl (support files, file exchange, sequence control, appointment management, etc.). The ZMML clarifies the feasibility of the software installation and carries it out in the test center. The PV tests the examination environment and supplies the examination templates and participant lists required for the examination. The examination in the test center takes place under the usual conditions for examinations (supervision, only permitted aids in place), the ZMML staff supervises every start and change between the runs (fixing log-in problems, re-registrations, etc.). After the exam, instructors receive the student-generated files for grading.


Speacial feature:

Long lead time required for software not yet in use. Exam dates may only be possible outside the main examination period.

  • Consulting and training on organization, examination didactics and technical implementation
  • Support and assumption of partial functions in examination management (schedules, data exchange, process control)
  • Technical preparation (server configuration, software installation, participant registration, ...)
  • Technical/organizational support at the beginning and end of each test run
  • Provision and administration of the test center
  • Compilation (ZIP file) and provision of the examination results
  • Supervision and information of the students concerning questions of software application testing
  • Coordination with ZPA and examination board
  • Provision of the software, if necessary
  • Programming of templates and questions
  • Testing of the examination environment and the examination settings (version, plug-ins, configuration of the application, user rights, ...)
  • Provision of the participant list as an Excel table (applicant number, last name, first name)
  • Supervision in the test center
  • FB 03-Softwareprojekt 2 (BlueJ, Greenfood)
  • FB 05-Mathematik für Geologen (MS-Excel)
  • Handelskammer Bremen (MS-Word, MS-Excel)