08, Measurement Technology, Automation and Quality Science

Measurement Technology, Automation and Quality Science

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Fischer
Bremen Institute for Measurement Technology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ)
University of Bremen
Linzer Street 13
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0) 421-218-646 01 and -646 02
E-Mail: leitungprotect me ?!bimaqprotect me ?!.de
Insitute website: www.bimaq.de


Prof. A. Fischer

Research and teaching in this group subjects methods as well as applications of technology for measurement, automation and quality science. Key competence of this research field is measurement technology, a core discipline to solve technical and social challenges in society.

Main areas of research in this interdisciplinary field are model-based, dynamic measurement systems used for investigation and optimization of manufacturing and flow processes. A holistic approach is pursued, for example optical and thermographic measuring systems are designed, realised, modelled, characterised and applied for progress in production, (wind) energy and medical technology at the limits of measurability. Beyond pure measurements, automation and quality control of manufacturing processes is also a current research topic.


Updated by: Bolik