17, Ceramic Materials and Components

Ceramic Materials and Components

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Kurosch Rezwan
Ceramic materials and components
University of Bremen
Am Biologischen Garten 2
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0) 421-218-64930 
E-Mail: krezwanprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Institute website: www.ceramics.uni-bremen.de

Prof. K. Rezwan

Headed by Prof. Dr. Ing. Kurosch Rezwan is the research group of Ceramic Materials and Components. Research topics deal with synthesis, production and shaping of high-performance ceramic materials. Four main areas of research are: Novel manufacturing and shaping processes, functionalization and assembly of ceramic nanoparticles, high temperature composites as well as hybrid ceramics.
A variety of courses offered in the group of research conveys knowledge in theory and practice about the properties of high-performance ceramics, their manufacture as well as areas of application. Starting with the lecture "Materials Engineering Ceramics" for students after their base studies lays the foundation for more in-depth courses. Further, the lecture "Bioceramics" and "Modification and Characterization of Biomaterial Surfaces" build a bridge to biology and medicine, to teach students a broad, but also specialised knowledge. Advanced, supplementary subjects reflect the research activities in the field of ceramic materials and components. Finally, theoretical contents taught are combined with laboratories to provide students with practically accessible knowledge.


Updated by: bolik