23, Conrad Naber Endowed Professorship Interfaces in Bio-Nano-Materials Technology

Conrad Naber Endowed Professorship Interfaces in Bio-Nano-Materials Technology

Prof. Dr. – Ing. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi
Technical Academy Bremen (TAB), 3. OG, Room 3.30
University of Bremen
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0)421- 218 64570 
E-Mail: colombiprotect me ?!hmi.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
HMI: www.hmi.uni-bremen.de

Prof. L. Colombi Ciacchi

Research activity of the group "Interfaces in Bio-Nano-Materials Engineering - Hybrid Materials Interfaces" (HMI) is located at the interface between materials science, physical chemistry, biochemistry as well as biophysics, with a strong focus on investigation of bio-hybrid interfaces on an atomic scale. Research in this group is closely linked to activities of various other university and extra-university institutes and is structured in two divisions. In the theoretical division of the research group, which is affiliated with the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS), atomistic simulation techniques are primarily applied as well as further developed for the investigation of heterogeneous interfaces. In the experimental division, which is integrated in the laboratory building of the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT), investigations of interactions between biological macromolecules and solid surfaces are performed by atomic force microscopy, force spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy. A very close connection between theory as well as experiment characterizes the research in this group in cooperation with numerous partners from the academic and industrial environment in Bremen, Germany and abroad.


Updated by: bolik