27, Professional Metal Technology and its Didactics

Professional Metal Technology and its Didactics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Petersen
Institute Technology and Education (ITB)
University of Bremen
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 (0) 421 218-66270 
E-Mail: maren.petersenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Institute website: www.itb.uni-bremen.de/

Prof. M. Petersen

The Institute of Technology and Education (ITB) is a central scientific research institution of the University of Bremen founded in 1986 with a staff of about 65 employees. Research work of the ITB is dedicated to vocational education research guided by the idea to design the fields of work, technology and education in society. Whereby the design aspect includes the idea of sustainability. In addition, the research work is characterised by a close connection to reforms and developments in vocational education. Against this background, interdisciplinary, participatory and international research as well as evaluation approaches are practiced, which the ITB realizes together with university, institutional and industrial partners as well as other institutions relevant to design work, technology and education. Among the focal points are: Design of work and technology, work and qualifications, teaching and learning in vocational education, school development and quality of teaching, work and technology as an object of pre-vocational education, occupations and vocational training systems as well as innovation and industrial heritage.
Research projects are funded by federal ministries, European programmes, international partner institutions (e.g. from China, Malaysia, Oman, European organisations, etc.), companies and foundations. Courses in study programmes provide training for a teaching profession at vocational schools. Completing the "Bachelor of Science" and "Master of Education" in the fields of metal engineering, automotive engineering, electrical engineering and information technology prepares students for teaching in vocational schools.



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