29, Space Technology

Space Technology

Prof. Dr. Andreas Rittweger
DLR Institute of Space Systems
University of Bremen
Robert-Hooke-Street 7
28359 Bremen

E-Mail: andreas.rittwegerprotect me ?!dlrprotect me ?!.de
Institute website: https://www.dlr.de/irs/

Prof. A. Rittweger

As a part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) the institute Space Systems was founded in 2007 and focuses its research activities on system analysis of spacecraft, spacecraft construction and technology development of subsystems such as core avionics, development of flight control systems as well as cryogenic fuel handling in tanks. The Institute of Space Systems investigates future launchers, satellites and space stations with regard to their technical performance, feasibility as well as costs and it develops and also builds innovative small satellites, planetary landing vehicles as well as flight demonstrators for reusable launchers (examples of missions: AI-Sat, Eucropis, Mascot, Insight, Refex, Callisto). With its teaching offered, the institute contributes substantially to the master's degree programme in Space Engineering.


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