Field of work Organizational Psychology



Participation at the DGPs conference in Vienna

The joint conference of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) and the Austrian Society for Psychology (ÖGPs) took place in Vienna from September 16th to 19th, at which the Organisational Psychology team was represented with numerous contributions.


Paradoxes of Work-related Learning

Professional life is full of paradoxes and contradictions, and the same applies to work-related learning. In a recent study, Dr. Hilko Paulsen, Prof. Dr. Timo Kortsch and Dr. Julian Decius examined which work-related learning paradoxes exist and how these are assessed by practitioners in terms of…

SIG 14 conference

Talk on ChatGPT and Learning

At the SIG 14 "Learning and Professional Development" EARLI conference in Jyväskylä, Finland, Dr. Julian Decius presented current research conducted by the field of work "Organizational Psychology" on the influence of generative AI on work-related learning. Specifically, the presentation dealt with…

AOM Conference

Talk at the AOM Conference in Chicago

Dr. Julian Decius presented his research on job wallowing, a new psychological construct defined as the purposeless retrospection of past work successes associated with positive emotions, at the Academy of Management Conference in Chicago. The abstract of the presentation is freely available here.…

[Translate to English:] Psychologische Rundschau

Publication in „Psychologische Rundschau“

Dr. Julian Decius has published an overview article on informal workplace learning in the Psychologische Rundschau. It defines what informal learning actually is, how it can be distinguished from related forms of learning and how it can be measured. It also provides an overview of the predictors and…

Annelie Lorber und Hannah Krüger bei ihrer Präsentation

Talk at the RWL in Linköping

On 17 June 2024, Annelie Lorber and Hannah Krüger presented their findings from the RessourcE project at the 13th Researching Work & Learning Conference in Linköping, Sweden.

[Translate to English:] Annelie Lorber besides her Poster at the EAOHP

Participation in the EAOHP conference in Granada

Dr. Julian Decius and Annelie Lorber presented research from the field of organizational psychology at the conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology (EAOHP), which took place from 05 to 07 June 2024 in Granada, Spain.

[Translate to English:]

Experimental Study Published in “Learning and Instruction”

Together with Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann, Dr. Julian Decius has published an article in the high-ranking journal “Learning and Instruction” (IF = 6.2).

Foto von Workshop

User-Workshop in RessourcE-project

The first user workshop of the QUALI-L hub in the RessourcE project took place on Monday, 27 May 2024.


Participants wanted for exciting study

We are urgently looking for participants for an exciting study at the Bremen Research & Policy Lab at the University of Bremen. The study focusses on the application of problem-solving strategies when using modern technologies. Participants can earn up to 35€!

People and topics

Photo of Dr. Julian Decius

Dr. Julian Decius


WiWi1, Room A2390
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 1
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 421 218 66590
julian.deciusprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Gemeinsames Arbeitsgespräch.

Learning processes over time

This topic focuses on how (informal) learning behavior in organizations changes over days, weeks, and months. Moreover, we analyze the dynamics of work-related learning and how learning trajectories differ between employees.

Ein Modell einer Montagehalle mit der Aufschrift "Technikstation".

Designing work contexts

The goal of this thematic focus is to examine conducive conditions for work-related learning, employability, and organizational development, both by managers (e.g., shaping learning culture) and by employees (e.g., job crafting).

Eine Person bedient ein Tablet.

New Work requires New Learning

This topic is dedicated to the question of how employees in dynamic work environments can be empowered to learn "what they really, really want" in a self-directed way. The "Learning Opportunities Perception Potential", which helps employees to grasp learning opportunities, is considered crucial here.