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Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sebastian A. Tideman-Frappart

On January 7, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, Sebastian A. Tideman-Frappart, Assistant Professor in Accounting at Syracuse University, will present a research paper titled “Analysts and Recency Effects: The Case of Earnings Conference Calls” as part of the Accounting & Finance Research Seminar. The…

Delegation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Odesa (Ukraine) zu Besuch in Bremen – Neue Kooperation

Studiendekan Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. André W. Heinemann konnte in der ersten Dezemberwoche eine Delegation der Odesa National Economic University (Ukraine) am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft willkommen heißen. Konrektor Assoc. Prof. Wolodymyr Shynkarenko, Prof. Dr. Maryna Slatvinska,…

fritz kola

Ankündigung Gastvortrag Till Tietje

Gastvortrag von Till Tietje, Head of E-Commerce Sales bei fritz-kola, am 11.12.

Shows Professor Sven Hartlieb of the University of Insbruck

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sven Hartlieb

On December 10, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM, Sven Hartlieb, Professor of Auditing at the University of Innsbruck, will present a lecture titled “Spillover Effects of Joint Financial Statement Audit and Sustainability Assurance: Insights on Audit Efficiency” as part of the Accounting & Finance…

Norddeutscher Rundfunk Logo

Prof. Klein über Black Friday bei NDR Info

Experteninterview zu den dahinter liegenden Mechanismen von Black Friday Prof. Klein im Radio

Shows the text “Psychologi and marketing”

Neue Veröffentlichung in Psychology & Marketing

Dr. Anna Sophie Hollstein, Dr. Michael Schade, Prof. Christoph Burmann (alle markstones Institute) und Prof. Christopher Kanitz (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria) haben einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag mit dem Titel „Identification as a Sword in the War for Talent: Understanding…

Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Yilong Xu

Am 29. Oktober 2024 von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr wird Yilong Xu, Assistant Professor of Finance an der Utrecht University, einen Vortrag zum Thema „Higher order risk preferences and economic decisions” im Rahmen des Accounting & Finance Research Seminars halten. Der Vortrag findet im WiWi1-Gebäude Raum…

Students during campus tour

Information on the O-Woche (orientation week)

Welcome to the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics!

Perhaps you have already visited our homepage and the UNI-Start-Portal to get a first insight into your study program? In addition, you can find the schedule of the O-Woche (orientation week) of our faculty for our programs in Business…

Prof. Klein on NDR2 radio

For the show “Too good to be true?! “The scam with influencers” of NDR2, Prof. Klein was interviewed as an expert on influencer marketing. You can listen to the full piece here:,sendung1471068.html

New publication in the Journal of Marketing Research

The article “Driving Mobile App User Engagement Through Gamification” by Jens Paschmann, Hernán A. Bruno, Franziska Völckner, Harald van Heerde and Kristina Klein can now be found online at the Journal of Marketing Research (VHB A+) . The article focuses on the question to which extent gamification…