Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf speaks to the Young Talent Group of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

In the course of increasing digitalization, the collection, processing and analysis of data are becoming more and more a basis for technical progress and prosperity. Data has become the new “oil” of our digitized world, which enables new business models and innovations to flourish.

The development of groundbreaking technologies such as autonomous vehicles is ultimately based on the availability of large amounts of data.

Valid data from users is also of central importance for the public sector for important research projects, for the promotion of start-ups or for government projects in the field of digitalization. The Covid 19 pandemic in particular has shown how important the provision of data on a voluntary basis is for the common good, for example, in order to develop a powerful Corona warning app.

But how can incentives be created so that more citizens want to voluntarily provide their data for private or public purposes? What factors are conducive to citizens' behavior of donating their data for public purposes? Which factors are more of a hindrance? Where could the state start to stimulate the voluntary donation of data by citizens for charitable purposes while maintaining data protection and thereby promoting innovation?

These and many other questions will be answered by Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf, of the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Financial Services and Financial Technology at the University of Bremen, in a lecture at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy this Friday. He has agreed to discuss the topic "Data transfer for public goods and innovations: From the Corona warning app to autonomous driving" with the BMWi's Young Leaders Group.

The image showes the logo of the federal ministry for economics and energy