
In a circels is a text which says higher school of economics in the middle is the logo and at the bottem stands national research university

HSE / ICSID conference "Political Economy in a Changing World"

The 10th conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) of the Moscow Higher School of Economics will take place from June 7-10, 2021. This year, 4 research teams from the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics will present their work.

The image displays the Södertörns högskola

Presentation by Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz at the University of Södertörn

On May 20th, Michael Rochlitz presented his book „Federalism in China and Russia: Story of Success and Story of Failure?“, published jointly with Alexander Libman, in a seminar at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) at Södertörn University.

In the forground is a text which says russia analytica digest. In the background is a blue landscape. At the top left coner is the date 06 May 2021 and No. 268.

Two new contributions in the Russian Analytica Digest

Two new contributions of Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz were published in the Russian Analytical Digest. The articles discuss the recent development and future prospects of the Russian economy.

Red waves at the top and bottom. In the middle is a play button on the left hand side is a text which says Roundtable and on the right hand says is a text which says Osteuropa

Podcast „Roundtable Osteuropa“ of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)

Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz was invited to join Dr. Fabian Burkhardt (IOS Regensburg) on the Roundtable Osteuropa Podcast by the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS). The topic of the episode was “30 Post-Soviet years: Economic policy and regime stability in Belarus and Russia”.

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Professor Lars Hornuf as Speaker at the Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto

This week Professor Lars Hornuf presented his paper "The Local Bias in Equity Crowdfunding: Behavioral Anomaly or Rational Preference?" at the Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto. The paper was written in collaboration with PhD student Eliza Stenzhorn and Dr. Matthias Schmitt.

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New Publication: “Do European firms obey the rules? Environmental innovativeness in light of institutional frameworks”

Tobias Wendler, together with Judyta Lubacha (Jagiellonian University Cracow), has published an article in the international peer-reviewed journal "Industry and Innovation".

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New publication in the “Journal of International Business Studies”

Professor Alexandre Bohas together with Professors Aseem Kinra, and Michael J. Morley have published a new study with the title "Perlmutter revisited: revealing the anomic mindset” in the Journal of International Business Studies.

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Prof. Klein presents research at the EMAC Conference

Prof. Klein presents research project on androgyny at EMAC conference


Presentation by Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman on the political long-term effects of the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline

On May 11th at 16:15, Alexander Libman, Professor of Russian and East European Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin, is going to present his paper "Legacies of Communist Modernization: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" at the seminar of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP).

Podiumsdiskussion DHI Moskau

Panel discussion on the transition from socialist planning to a market economy

On April 22nd, Michael Rochlitz took part in a panel discussion on the topic of the transition from socialist planning to a market economy. The discussion was organized by the German Historical Institute in Moscow (DHI), and the Center for East European and International Studies in Berlin (ZOiS).