
Studierende an den Hochbeeten

Creating New Communication Spaces at the University with Urban Gardening

At the end of April this year, the garden project by kompass and the AStA of the University of Bremen officially started with a launch event: 35 students sowed and planted herbs and vegetables, labeled the seeds with homemade signs, and prepared herb salt. In an interview with Dr. Jutta Paal, coordinator of the kompass project from the International Office of the University of Bremen, she shared the idea and the ongoing progress of the Urban Gardening project.

Bild von Paria Moraghebi am Mischpult

DAAD Prize for Paria Moraghebi

From Tehran to Germany, very young, in her pocket only a school leaving qualification that is not recognised here. That was five years ago. Today, Paria Moraghebi is enrolled in the Cultural Studies and Art-Media-Aesthetic Education degree programmes at the University of Bremen, but is first and foremost interested in film – curating films for the queerfilm festival in Bremen, showing films from Tehran and about Tehran, the city she still loves – and always has her smile with her, which she also brought with her from Tehran. She has now received the DAAD prize for outstanding achievements by foreign students, which comes with 1,000 euros.

Bild von Dr. Kamalika Datta und Professor Rolf Drechsler

Kamelika Datta: Academic Journey from India to Germany

In 2013, Kamalika Datta made her first journey from India to Germany to participate in a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Bremen. Today, a decade later, she is not only an integral part of Professor Rolf Drechsler’s Group of Computer Architecture research team but also a member of a Bremen delegation for a new DAAD project in collaboration with an Indian university.

Bild von Erkan Karagoez

Studying abroad, wow, man!

A semester or a year at a university in another country – that's pretty attractive and it’s also encouraged and supported by European education policy. But it's not that easy to arrange a stay abroad. Exactly how it works is what the approximately 70 students who came to the "Study Abroad" fair in GW 2 in November wanted to know. Silke Prangemeier from Uni Bremen’s International Office gave detailed insight into offerings, funding opportunities and application deadlines. And our alumnus Erkan Karagöz talked about his own experience as a "repeat offender". He studied economics, now studies law, and has taken advantage of that time to spend semesters abroad in Izmir, Osaka and Geneva. His advice: Don’t worry about financial problems – they can be sorted out somehow. His conclusion: “Studying abroad, wow, man, it's really good.”

Radfahrerin im Parcours

Cycling course for international students

Bremeners may not have imbibed knowledge of riding a bike along with their mother's milk, but time wise, this skill usually comes pretty soon afterwards. It’s quite different for many international students, who often come from countries where, for various reasons, there is no culture of cycling. In September, some of our international students were able to learn how they, too, can be mobile on two wheels. The course was organised by the University of Bremen’s International Office together with Gesundheitstreffpunkt West.

UBRA Stand auf der Messe

Bremen at the ECAI-2023 in Krakow

Great events are casting their shadows ahead. In 2026, Bremen will host the renowned International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IJCAI. Several thousand participants are expected. In order to provide information about Bremen as a science location, the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA) was an exhibitor at the European counterpart, the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI in Krakow at the beginning of October. "We were able to inform many people about Bremen and its unique scientific landscape with the University of Bremen at its centre", says UBRA Managing Director Derk Schönfeld. Anyone interested in the IJCAI 2026 in Bremen can already be put on a mailing list for further information:

Bild von Flaggen

YUFE calls for Strengthening of European Values

The YUFE alliance of young European universities, of which the University of Bremen is a member, is concerned about anti-democratic developments in Europe. At a meeting in Cyprus, the university presidents called for a return to European values. Ahead of the European elections in June 2024, members of the YUFE Strategic Council are stressing the importance of a common European identity.

Research Ambassadors

Research Ambassador Workshop 2023

After four years, the time had finally come again: the University of Bremen invited its Research Ambassadors, who promote the university and the research carried out here, to a workshop during OPEN CAMPUS. Six of the eleven research alumni came to Bremen from Brazil, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Tanzania, and from the USA a visiting scholar originally from Russia. Research Ambassadors are to act as contact persons in their home countries for anyone interested in studying or doing research in Bremen, and help build up research networks abroad. For the international researchers, the workshop was also a good opportunity to get to know the new rectorate.

Gruppenfoto UNAM

Coming soon for Uni Bremen student teachers: Practicum in Namibia

It sounds a bit like the dream version of a student's life and yet it is soon to become reality. At the beginning of 2024, three prospective primary school teachers currently in the master's programme at the University of Bremen will be able to do their practical semester in Namibia. There they will gain teaching experience at a primary school in the capital Windhoek through the accompanying study programme at the University of Namibia’s (UNAM) School of Education. Such study-practice placements are a key component of the DAAD project Lehrramtsstudium International (Teacher Training International) under the direction of professors Yasemin Karakaşoğlu and Natascha Korff from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, in cooperation with the International Office. Kirsten Beta, project coordinator and staff member at the International Office, recently travelled to Windhoek to coordinate the pilot’s programme’s framework conditions at UNAM, the participating schools and Namibia’s Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture.

YUFE Gruppenbild

YUFE Town Hall in Rijeka, Croatia

YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – is an EU project that aims to envision, plan and partially realise a new European university from the ground up. It’s a consortium of young, research-oriented universities and non-university partners from all over Europe, including the University of Bremen. YUFE is also about students, actively involving them in shaping this future-oriented project, including the Uni Bremen students Fahmida Yasmin and Bengisu Özyiğit, two of Bremen’s three YUFE student representatives. They contribute to the project’s work packages and were present at YUFE’s mid-February Town Hall event, the consortium’s most recent annual assembly, in Rijeka, Croatia.


Marie Skłodowska Curie Training Program "YUFE4Postdocs"

The YUFE universities announce two calls for applications for a total of 51 postdoctoral positions. These are open to all disciplines and are under the overarching theme of "Urban Opportunities and Challenges." The first call runs from March 1 to May 7, 2023, focusing on "Sustainability" and "Digital Societies." The second call will start on October 1, 2023 focusing on "Citizens' Well-Being" and "European Identity." If you have any questions, please contact Jana Sievers ( Applications for the first round are open until May 7 on the application portal:

Workshop and symposium on the uprising in Iran

Jin, Jiyan, Azadî – Woman, Life, Freedom! That’s what the women and men on the streets of Iran are shouting after the young Kurdish woman Jina Masha Amini was mistreated and died in the custody of the morality police in Tehran on 16 September 2022. The rallying cry of the mass protests also unites worldwide supporters of the uprising against the Iranian regime. In Bremen, an online workshop and symposium on the current situation in Iran took place at the beginning of March, with the protest slogan as its title and with the support of the alumni association. What made the event so special: everything was prepared and organised jointly by students in Bremen and from Rojava, the Kurdish region of Syria.

Mahidol Vetrag

Data management – Successful cooperation with Thai university to be expanded

The University of Bremen has added a promising component to its long-standing cooperation with Mahidol University in Thailand, one of the country's best and oldest universities. At the beginning of January, the Data Science Center (DSC) at Uni Bremen and the Mahidol University AI Center signed a memorandum of understanding. The main goal: joint training and research in the field of data science as well as joint use of resources. “Around the world, the way we deal with data is undergoing culture change, so international cooperation like this is extremely beneficial," says Dr Lena Steinmann, coordinator of the DSC.

Hadya Sleiman

DAAD Prize for Iraqi Yazidi Hadya Sleiman

Her life has it all: drama, fear of death, courage, never giving up – and yes, a happy ending, for the time being. It is the life of a young student at the University of Bremen, a Yazidi from Iraq, who narrowly escaped the hell of IS terror in the summer of 2014 and has now been awarded the DAAD Prize, which international students receive for their high level of social commitment and academic achievements. The prize was awarded to 28-year-old Hadya Sleiman shortly before Christmas by Dr Mandy Boehnke, Vice Rector for International Affairs, Academic Qualification and Diversity.

International Summer School 2022

International Summer School: Diversity & Inclusion in Teacher Education

What does diversity and inclusion mean in different countries, and how is it addressed or implemented in schools and in teacher training? That was the question taken up by the International Summer School on Diversity and Inclusion in Teacher Education, held 29 August to 2 September 2022. Through a joint initiative of the Intercultural Education department and the Inclusive Education programme, education researchers from Bremen were able to intensify their existing cooperation with partner universities in Toronto and Manitoba (Canada), Windhoek (Nambia) and Vienna (Austria).

Impressionsbild: Syddansk Universitet

Exchange with Syddansk Universitet: How does internationalisation work?

How can universities push their internationalisation even further? This question was the focus of an exchange between Syddansk Universitet SDU (University of Southern Denmark) and the University of Bremen. Both universities are members of YERUN, the Young European Research Universities Network. Founded in 1966 in Odense, the capital of the island of Funen, SDU today has a good 30,000 students. The new SDU leadership team came to Bremen on 1 June to exchange ideas on strategies and policies for universities to meet the challenges of globalisation.

Rebecca Brue und Donald Bruce Guelph

Vibrant university partnership with Canada

Have you heard of Guelph? This Canadian city near Toronto with nearly 150,000 inhabitants is home to a young and vibrant university that has a remarkable number of things in common with the University of Bremen. Since 2011, the two universities have maintained a partnership that is one of the most exciting international projects at the University of Bremen. After a two-year break due to the pandemic, we had visitors from Guelph again, who brought with them their distinct recollections of Bremerhaven as a port of emigration.


Bremen Universities: Round Table Ukraine – Appeal for donations

At the invitation of Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Diversity, around 35 members of the University of Bremen and representatives of the Bremen University of Applied Sciences and Jacobs University Bremen met online on 18 March for a round table to coordinate offers of help that have become necessary following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Representatives of the alumni association were also present. The gist: There is a great willingness to help, from immediate aid to the development of long-term offerings. A number of students from Ukraine and Russia who are currently in Bremen urgently need financial support. Donations can be made to XENOS e.V. via bank transfer to IBAN DE53 2905 0101 0010 8187 55.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eichwede (Historiker, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, Bremen)

Prof Eichwede: Putin fears the Maidan effect

In two video interviews with our editor Christoph Sodemann, Bremen historian Wolfgang Eichwede analysed the situation in Russia after the start of Putin's war against Ukraine. Eichwede was a professor at the University of Bremen from 1974 to 2007 and served as founding director of the internationally renowned Research Centre for East European Studies at Uni Bremen. In the first interview on 1 March, Eichwede commented mainly on the state of internal opposition to Putin. The second interview addressed possible scenarios for a peace settlement. Professor Eichwede will also be a guest at our panel discussion "Putin's War on Ukraine - European Policy and Security Architecture" in the Bremen Parliament on 5 May.

Marejke Baethge

New head of the International Office

As of 1 January 2022, Dr Marejke Baethge-Assenkamp is the new head of the International Office (IO) at the University of Bremen. She succeeds Dr. Annette Lang, who moved to the Bremen Senate Chancellery last year as Head of International Relations. In her academic career, Dr Baethge-Assenkamp has engaged intensively with international relations between universities and with international alumni. 

Ein Bild des georgischen Wissenschaftlers

Prof. Dr Erekle Pirveli: The scientist with extra kick

His biography is a bit like that of a child prodigy: top maths, school was a breeze, bachelor's degree in banking and financing in Georgia (of course also tops), the youngest to earn a doctorate in economics (at 24), full professorship at Caucasus University in Tbilisi at 29, 2020 Forbes “30 Under 30 in Science” in Georgia, Best Young Scientist of the Year in his country in 2021 – phew, what a brain. But beware, the man can do other things, too: European U23 contact karate champion, multiple Georgian champion and member of the national team. Whew. But what does Bremen have to do with all that? The university – it was Uni Bremen that gave his career a decisive boost.

Bild von XENOS Studierenden

XENOS: Help for international students in need

Moving to a new city, starting a new phase of life, learning a lot, making new friends, enjoying life. Studying is fun, but it also has to be funded. For international students, the financial burden is typically higher than for local students. Students from non-European countries often have to deposit a guarantee payment of several thousand euros with the German embassy in their home country before entering Germany. And many internationals have to work alongside their studies to keep their heads above water – often in the restaurant industry, in jobs that have disappeared in the pandemic. And now? That's where XENOS comes in, with various offers of assistance.


A successful online conference on sustainability

More than 70 registered participants, excellent speakers from Bremen and India, and exciting discussions – that was our four and a half hour online conference on sustainability on 12 November, organised by the alumni association and its newly founded India chapter. The main themes were sustainable concepts for sanitation, urban mobility and hydrogen as an energy carrier. The focus was on sharing experiences and networking – with very concrete conclusions.


Wales in Bremen: An Evening of Music, Poetry and Science

Since 2019, the University of Bremen and Cardiff University in Wales have been linked through a strategic partnership, the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance. On November 4 in the Metropol Theatre, the alliance presented itself in a way that was far from ordinary: with an evening dedicated to music, poetry – and science. 

Rebecca Breau

First Cotutelle Doctorate in Bremen and at the University of Guelph in Canada

The University of Bremen and the University of Guelph in Canada have been linked for several years through a strategic partnership that includes both research and student exchanges. In the health sciences, Rebecca Breau became the first doctoral student in a cotutelle programme to successfully defend her thesis in August. The cotutelle process is a binational doctorate supervised by two universities from different countries and recognised as a jointly awarded doctoral degree.

Sarah Wileski

YUFE Town Hall in Bremen

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the University of Bremen will host this year's YUFE Town Hall in Bremen on 13–14 October 2021. With the YUFE Alliance (Young Universities for the Future of Europe), ten young, research-strong universities and four non-university partners are developing one of the first European Universities. The Town Hall will be the first physical meeting of the Alliance since the beginning of the pandemic.

New India Chapter Kickoff

For years, Indians have been one of the largest groups of foreign students at the University of Bremen — currently, around 270 are enrolled. Good reason, therefore, to found a new India chapter of our association. After an initial preparatory meeting in March, things will now really get going. The new chapter will be officially inaugurated on Tuesday, 13 July 2021, at 3 pm CET. One of the topics on the agenda: planning a German-Indian conference on sustainability. Interested parties can register here:

Bild mit Studenten

Exchange with Rojava — Online to a War Zone

International exchange that broadens horizons: In June Kurdish students from northeastern Syria and students in Bremen discussed issues of social justice and peaceful coexistence, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, ecology and community economies, and more — a dialogue that ran out of time but should not stop. "It was simply an overwhelming experience," summed up one Bremen participant enthusiastically. The name of the block seminar, appropriately: ”An Anthropology of the Possible”.

Portrait von Jutta Paal

“We even help with food vouchers”

It doesn’t really come as a surprise: the Corona pandemic has dramatically worsened the situation for international students. Suffering the most from the months-long lockdown are the approximately 1,500 students from Africa and Asia. “The pandemic has revealed, as if under a magnifying glass, where the weak points of our society are,” says Dr Jutta Paal, who is responsible for “Incomings” and coordinates the kompass programme at the University of Bremen’s International Office. Through good ideas and initiatives, the International Office has been able to offer immediate assistance and support students as much as possible.

Viele Wörter unterschiedlicher Größe in einem Kreis angeordnet. Die größten Wörter sind insightful, inspriring, fun und engaging

Workshop on “Sustainability and Entrepreneurship”

Sustainability & entrepreneurship: these two topics were the subject of a multi-day online workshop for students held at the end of March and beginning of April 2021. Thirty students from the University of Bremen and the University of Cardiff took part in the Bremen-Cardiff Alliance’s first international and interdisciplinary student-focused workshop. The workshop was designed, organised and moderated by colleagues from Cardiff University’s Global Opportunities and Enterprise & Start-up Teams and the University of Bremen’s UniTransfer/BRIDGE group.

DAAD Workshop in Nigeria


How can digitalization in teaching but also in alumni work be developed and accelerated? That was the topic of a two-day workshop hosted by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), the International Office of the University of Bremen, and the alumni association at the end of February. Due to Covid-19, only about 25 participants were allowed to be present in the Nigerian metropolis Lagos; another 15 people, mainly from Germany, joined the exciting exchange online

Zwei Frauen indischer Herrkunft


It is an impressive number: About 700 students from India are members of the regional Indian Students Association with participation of students from all Bremen universities as well as the University of Oldenburg. At the University of Bremen alone, 268 students from India are currently enrolled, the widest student group from a non-EU country. We met two of them. 


The university strengthens its partnership with one of the oldest and best universities in Thailand. The cooperation with Mahidol University in Bangkok is set to be expanded in terms of student exchange, research, support of junior researchers, and the joint efforts to obtain grants. Both universities additionally initiated the ‘Christian Freksa Scholarship’ – in memory of the recently deceased professor from Bremen, who essentially initiated the cooperation and promoted it with firm commitment.

Rote Dickinson Chairs auf dem Campus der Universität Bremen


In times of the pandemic, international guests and guest scientists are particularly affected by the limitations on social life as they have often not had the chance of building their own network in Bremen. Together with the health management at the University of Bremen, the Bremen Early Career Researcher Development Center BYRD, and the health insurance company Techniker Krankenkasse, the U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center has developed the concept of a network café for international scientists with the thematic focus on motivation and health.

Dr. Gerald Heusing vor vier künstlerischen Bildern

Nigeria is booming - also at the University Bremen

Students from Nigeria are currently one of the biggest groups of students from abroad at the University of Bremen. Over 180 Nigerians are enrolled in mostly English-speaking master’s degrees. This gave cause to the alumni association to sound out how the alumni efforts can be improved in this emerging African country. 

Gruppe diverser Studierender

Study opportunities for refugees

How can refugees gain access to an academic education or pick up their disrupted studies? The United Nations want to achieve that fifteen percent of refugees will be granted access to universities within the next ten years. Currently, only three percent accomplish that goal. A funding program in Bremen raises hope that the situation can improve here.

Portrait von Sanaz Sadat Afzali

DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievements

This year’s DAAD prize for outstanding achievements of international students studying at German universities goes to Sanaz Sadat Afzali from Iran, student of the Communication and Information Technology Master – who is a real allrounder.

Portrait von Prof. Shalini Randeria

Campus Tour Through Europe: YUFE Academy

How does a European University feel? YUFE Academy is supposed to give a first impression of that in a series of online events by the ten universities involved in this EU project. Main topic this year: European identity and responsibility in a global world. The University of Bremen was prominently involved with a quite critical view on Europe.

Foto der Mahidol University

Digital Partnership – an Answer to the Coronavirus

What do you do when cooperation activities with partner universities come to an abrupt halt due to the coronavirus? Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand, is one of the partner universities with which the University of Bremen has started hosting joint virtual workshops.

Portrait von Jessica Winter

Jessica Winter – YUFE Student Forum’s New President

Young. Motivated. Inclusive. Jessica Winter – newly elected president of YUFE Alliance’s Student Forum – reflects exactly the alliance’s values. The student from Bremen has been involved in the project since the founding of YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe).

Portrait von Yakovlev

Building Bridges Between East and West – New Research Ambassador From Moscow

‘Building bridges between Eastern Europe and Bremen’ is the declared goal of the University of Bremen’s new Research Ambassador, Prof. Andrei Yakovlev. Thus, the alumnus and economics professor at the renowned National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow is now one of twelve research alumni of the University of Bremen who promote the university and its research across the globe as ambassadors.

Gruppe von Studierenden in Dohar

International Student Marketing – Now by Interactive Online Seminars

Representatives of the International Office of the University of Bremen normally attend fairs for prospective students once or twice a year and advertise the university by giving presentations at international schools. Or: Groups of prospective students come to Bremen to learn about studying in Bremen right on campus. Yet, little is normal in the time of COVID-19, which is why the International Office, too, had to find new ways of inspiring potential students to attend the University of Bremen.

Gruppe des Softskill Workshops in Thailand

Softskill-Workshops in Thailand

Dr. Ingrid Rügge, coordinator of the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, has been traveling to the North of Thailand for a few years in order to support the local universities there in their development of becoming internationally recognized universities.

Gruppe von Alumni trifft sich in Hanoi

Alumni Reunion in Vietnam

On the occasion of a trip to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the University of Bremen and the Bremen University of Applied Sciences together embarked on a search for their alumni in Vietnam – and with success.

The European University: a Opportunity for the City and the Region?

The idea of Europe is taking shape in one of the first European universities! But what should it look like? What are the priorities - and: how does it influence the region, the economy, society and politics? Close partnership can only succeed with all these actors in dialogue. The University of Bremen therefore invites YUFE, the Young Universities for the Future of Europe, to an open panel discussion on 11 November 2019 at 5 pm.

President of the University Bremen voted new president of the YERUN network

The President of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, has been voted president of the YERUN network. “Together we are more visible and can stand up for teaching and research on a European level. Moreover, YERUN is allowing us to strengthen the scientific cooperations within Europe,” said Professor Scholz-Reiter. The network with its 17 members aims to give young universities a voice in Europe.

Diversity@Uni Bremen

The public event series ‘Diversity @ Uni Bremen’ this year is dedicated to the topic ‘International Prospects and Challenges.’ Under the slogan ‘Diversity @ Uni Bremen… goes YUFE,’ colleagues of the YUFE alliance will debate visions and challenges of our universities in the framework of a panel discussion on November 27, 2019 between 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Mensa.

Research Ambassadors im Gespräch

Second Research Ambassador Workshop Held Successfully

It has almost become tradition: In the run-up of the Open Campus event, the University of Bremen again invited their Research Ambassadors from all over the world in order to discuss new developments and strategic projects together with the university rectorate.

Mädchen vor einer diversen Schülergruppe

Internationally Trained Teachers

The demands on teachers have changed. Unlike thirty years ago, a diverse student body is normality today. When dealing with students (and their parents) from different countries of origin, future teachers need inter- and transcultural competences that allow them to become a teacher who is sensitive to diversity.

go out! Weltkarte

Erasmus – International Dimension

Next to the promotion of student and employee mobility within Europe, the Erasmus program each year offers means for cooperation with other universities outside of Europe.

Bremen Guelph Lecture on June 5, 2019

It has become a tradition that researchers of the universities of Bremen and Guelph, Canada, report on their research areas at their respective partner university within the framework of the Bremen Guelph Lecture. On June 5, 2019, Prof. Dr. Bren McKenzie from the University of Guelph will give a lecture on the topic ‘The Rise of Dark Tourism: Is the Medium Still the Message?’ 

Research Ambassadors sitzen in gemeinsamer Runde

The University of Bremen Has Three New Research Ambassadors

This year will see the appointing of three new Research Ambassadors. A total of ten Research Ambassadors represent the University of Bremen in their respective home countries, promote the research they conducted here, and are contacts for interested researchers and students.

Enge Zusammenarbeit dank des U Bremen Excellence Chairs: Professor Petar Popovski (links), Experte für drahtlose Kommunikation der Universität Aalborg, diskutiert mit seinem Bremer Kollegen Armin Dekorsy.

U Bremen Excellence Chairs: Close Cooperation with International Experts

In January 2019, the program of the U Bremen Excellence Chairs launched at the University of Bremen, which fosters and strengthens core scientific areas as well as international cooperation with expert visiting professors.

Erasmus-Studenten in der Glashalle der Universität Bremen

Newcomer Service for Visiting Students

130 visiting students from European and non-European partner universities began their studies at the University of Bremen this summer semester.

The International Office of the university supported them with settling in in Bremen in a three-week orientation before the semester started.

Young European Research Univesites

Vivid Internationalization

On March 27, the Members of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) met for their biannual General Assembly in Antwerp. The network, which has been established a few years ago, is in consolidation after an active and vivid development phase.

Bild der Cardiff Universtity und Universität Bremen

Bremen-Cardiff Alliance: Facing Brexit with Collaboration

The universities of Bremen and Cardiff are entering a strategic partnership. It is their goal to promote joint research activities and collaboration in the areas of media and communication sciences, marine sciences, literature, social sciences, and history.

Logo der YUFE Alliance

YUFE Alliance Establishes European University

The University of Bremen is connected to seven European universities in the Young Universities for Europe Alliance (YUFE). On February 28, 2019, the proposal was submitted to the European Network Universities, a program initiated by the French president Macron.

Support Program for At-Risk Researchers

With a program for the support of vulnerable or refugee researchers, the State of Bremen supports young academics whose scientific work is jeopardized in their country of origin due to persecution or threat.

Flyer des Free Shop

FREE SHOP on October 12

Around 5,000 new students are expected to begin their degrees at the University of Bremen this winter semester. Among them are many international students, who often arrive in Bremen with only the luggage allowed on an airplane. They frequently live in the sparsely equipped rooms of the student residences. The SeniorCitizens, a group of senior citizens who take classes at the University of Bremen, would like to help out these international students by collecting household goods.

Chirag Shah und Keyur Solanki von der New York University.

Students from new york conduct research in bremen

Two master’s students of Material Sciences from New York University (NYU) conducted practice-oriented research during a two-month scientific internship at the University of Bremen. They were financially supported by MAPEX and the Santander BISIP program. This was the beginning of a new cooperation with NYU.

Drei Teilnehmer der Guinea-Night.

Kompass Project – Intercultural Communication on Campus

The International Office of the University of Bremen supports the network of international student communities with their ‘kompass’ project. There are currently communities from about seventeen different countries. Since 2017, new communities have come up for Ghana and Guinea. Newly established communities traditionally present their home at a ‘culture night,’ hosted by the Protestant Student Community (ESG). Culture nights are of great interest among students – and having 100-150 participants is not uncommon. This was also the case at Culture Night Ghana and Culture Night Guinea this summer semester.

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