FIBRE - Fibre Institute Bremen

Faserinstitut Bremen e.V. (FIBRE) is a successful research institute for the development of high-performance composites, manufacturing technologies, fibre development, quality assurance as well as material development and characterisation. An institute with this combination of core competencies is unique in the German research landscape. FIBRE has acquired this unique point of view over the last 20 years through continuous and successful application and fundamental research.

In the past five years the institute has been able to attract new partners from the industry for joint research projects, especially in the fields of aviation, automotive as well as wind energy. Given the international orientation of its customers, it is obvious that FIBRE is also involved in international networks of various industrial partners, research institutes as well as universities. Research activities are supported by a close connection to the University of Bremen, with which a cooperation was established in 1989. Within this cooperation FIBRE takes over tasks from research and teaching. The location on the campus ensures close contact with other institutes and students.

Updated by: bolik