ITB - Institute Technology and Education

The Institute for Technology and Education (ITB) at the University of Bremen has been working intensively in vocational education research for 25 years. With currently about 60 employees, it is one of the largest independent research institutions on this topic worldwide.

Research work of the ITB is dedicated to vocational education research guided by the idea to design work, technology and education in society. A close link between the reform of vocational education as well as innovation in the field of work and technology is sought. This requires not only an interdisciplinary but - in times of globalization - also an internationally oriented research approach. For this reason, ITB unites educational and vocational scientists, engineers, sociologists and cultural scientists, psychologists, economists as well as occupational scientists, whose research work is often integrated into international collaborations and research networks.

ITB works on a broad spectrum of research and development projects at regional, national and international level. Most of these projects are carried out in cooperation with industrial, service or handicraft enterprises as well as vocational education institutions. In addition, close cooperation is maintained with relevant organisations in Europe, USA, China, Japan, Malaysia and also further Asian, African and South American countries.

Updated by: bolik