ZARM - Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity

The Centre for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) is a scientific institute in the Faculty of Production Engineering - Mechanical and Process Engineering - at the University of Bremen and consists of three main divisions: Space Sciences, Space Technology and Fluid Mechanics. ZARM has established itself worldwide as a highly competent partner for space research at the space industry location Bremen and is also a trainer of particularly qualified young researchers. ZARM conducts research relating to space as well as research under space conditions. In concrete terms, this means that researchers develop technologies for use in rockets and satellites and carry out experiments in weightlessness. This takes place both in ZARM's own drop tower, the only earth-bound microgravity research laboratory in Europe, and on suborbital rockets, satellites or on the International Space Station ISS.

In contrast to orbital microgravity research, the drop tower at ZARM provides a permanent and cost-effective means of use. As an earth-bound large-scale laboratory, the 146-metre-high drop tower offers scientists from all over the world the opportunity to conduct experiments under short-term weightlessness. The facility makes it possible to reach a state of weightlessness up to three times a day for 9.3 seconds each time. In addition, ZARM operates a centrifuge with which 30 times the acceleration due to gravity can be generated as well as several flow channels, including a hot wind tunnel for combustion research.

Updated by: bolik