BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics

The BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik is an engineering research institute and was founded in 1981 as the first affiliated institute of the University of Bremen. Today about 150 people of different disciplines work here. Together these employees link research in the fields of production and logistics with a view of both processes and products as well as their entire life cycle.

In its area of Information and Communication Technology Applications in Production (IKAP), BIBA conducts research on entrepreneurial action in dynamic, cooperative, inter-organisational company networks, how this can be supported by ICT and what challenges arise in this context. The BIBA division Intelligent Production and Logistics Systems (IPS) primarily examines internal and cross-company production and logistics processes, especially with regard to their dynamics and complexity.

BIBA is organisationally and contentwise closely linked to the departments Planning and Control of Production and Logistics Systems (PSPS) and Integrated Product Development (BIK) of the university's Department of Production Engineering. It works closely with the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS) and the competence and service centre LogDynamics Lab. Both are located at BIBA and are part of the research network LogDynamics of the University of Bremen, of which BIBA is also a member.

Updated by: bolik