Bremen engages in Sustainable Logistics through new Taylor & Francis scientific journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability"

Prof. Aseem Kinra from the professorship of Global Supply Chain Management, Professor Ashish Verma from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, and Dr. Meng Li from Tsinghua University have jointly launched a pioneering initiative to tackle the current sustainability and livability challenges of urban transport and logistics. Together they have launched the new Taylor & Francis journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability". The journal will particularly focus on cross-disciplinary research that furthers our knowledge of the many linkages between sustainable transport and the livability of cities and the policy, planning, design, and interventions that affect these connections.

These linkages may include, though not limited to impacts on: ​

  1. How sustainable transport interventions affect physical, mental, economic, and social well-being ​
  2. How sustainable transport interventions can make society and individuals healthier and happier ​
  3. How sustainable transport interventions affect quality of life, equity, social justice ​
  4. How sustainable transport impacts safety, accessibility, affordability, and environmental quality​
  5. How sustainable transport can contribute toward improving disaster resiliency of urban transport systems​

The opening editorial has recently been published and can be freely accessed here.

The editors invite high-quality submissions under the aims and scope of the journal which can be made by following the link here.

Cover with the text Sustainable Transport and Livability