Course on Artificial Intelligence at the European Summer Academy Vilnius

David Karpa and Michael Rochlitz from the research group "Institutional Economics" gave a course at the European Summer Academy Vilnius of the German National Academic Foundation with the topic "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Political Regimes: Towards a New Systemic Competition?".

The European Summer Academy Vilnius of the German National Academic Foundation took place in Lithuania from 08 to 17 August 2022. The academy was attended by 60 German and Lithuanian students. A total of four courses, each lasting 9 days, were offered. In addition to the new systemic competition in the field of artificial intelligence, the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, social housing projects in Vilnius and politics of memory in Eastern Europe were further topics of the summer school. The social program included a field trip to Kaunas, discussions with civil society actors from Lithuania, Russia and Belarus, and a chess tournament organized by David Karpa.

Sommerakademie Vilnius