Katharina Friz and Marcel Lange as co-authors of the book "Indicators for the measurement of research, development and innovation"

Katharina Friz and Marcel Lange are co-authors of the open-access book "Indicators for measuring research, development and innovation: fact sheets with hints for application" published by Springer-Verlag.  The main author is Andreas Kladroba, further co-authors are Tobias Buchmann and Patrick Wolf. The publication provides a systematic and up-to-date overview of research indicators. Addressees are science, politics and economy.

The book was produced as part of the BMBF-funded research project "Neo-Indikatorik" (Network and Output Measurement - Indicators for Transformative Technology Transfer). Over a period of three years, the project team worked on the development of new indicators for research, development and innovation and recently presented its findings at a final conference organized by the BMBF. The collaborative project was led by Andreas Kladroba of the Stifterverband's Wissenschaftsstatistik GmbH and carried out jointly with the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) Stuttgart and the University of Bremen.

Open Access

Indikatoren für die Messung von Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation