Library resources for economics - Tobias Wendler gives a presentation at the national meeting of subject librarians

On September 16 and 17, 2021, the digital library meeting for subject librarians in economics was held under the title "Libraries - Support for Science", hosted this year by the Bremen State and University Library. Over 100 participants from university libraries throughout Germany attended.

Tobias Wendler gave a presentation entitled "Examples of research in economics using the resources of the Bremen State and University Library" to show examples of how a wide variety of resources are used and combined for specific research projects. The goal of the presentation and the subsequent discussion was to engage in a dialog about how the best possible cooperation between libraries and scientists can succeed in order to support researchers in their work in the best possible way.

For further questions about the library conference, please contact: Dr. Uwe Staroske

Vogelperspektive SuUB Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek