Michael Rochlitz as guest of the podcast “In der Wirtschaft”

The podcast “In der Wirtschaft“ was founded by students of the master program “Plurale Ökonomik” at the University of Siegen. The episode was dedicated to the transformation of the Russian economy during the last 30 years and was hosted by Rudolf Faininger and Martin Middelanis.

With 35 episodes and over 6000 subscribers, the podcast has become an important source of information about new developments in economics. Other guests included the macroeconomist Tom Krebs from the University of Mannheim, the director of the Trade and Agriculture Directorate of the OECD Marion Jansen, and the Swiss theologian and author Ina Praetorius. The episode about Russia's economic transformation can be accessed via the following link:


Pub sign with the inscription "In the economy"