New ebook publication

A special kind of project module: Together, lecturers and students at the chair of Business Psychology and Human Resources wrote a book on the subject of "Human Autonomy Teaming - The teamwork of the future".

At the chair of Business Psychology and Human Resources at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics of the University of Bremen, students in the bachelor's program Business Studies with a major in Behavioral Economics, wrote a book on "Human Autonomy Teaming" as part of the project module "Human Resource Management and Business Psychology "and published it online under the direction of the module coordinators Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann and Michèle Rieth, M.Sc.

 “Siri, what's the weather like today?” Or “Alexa, is there a traffic jam on the A1 between Bremen and Hamburg?” This type of interaction between people and technology is widespread today and already represents a small Human Autonomy Team. Technical advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence enable this new form of teamwork. Such a team consists of at least one person and one technical entity, the so-called autonomous agent, who work together interdependently in order to successfully complete a common task. Nowadays, technical systems are no longer viewed as pure tools, but can increasingly act independently as team members. Accordingly, team and automation research has increasingly devoted itself to this area, which is also what this book addresses.

The book is the result of the project module and is available at the following link. Over the course of the semester, the students independently devoted themselves to various aspects of Human Autonomy Teaming, such as the requirements of this new form of teamwork or areas of application as well as the future of Human Autonomy Teaming, and recorded their findings in the five chapters. An intensive scientific literature research preceded this.

The contents of the chapters were discussed and reflected upon together during the seminar. In addition, every student participates in a project group on topics such as layout, editing, citation, etc. Although the project module was very complex, from the point of view of all involved people, it was worthwhile with an enormously steep learning curve: The result is impressive!

[Translate to English:] Human Autonomy Teaming