New Publication in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Professor Dr. Lars Hornuf has published a new article in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy under the title "The local bias in equity crowdfunding: Behavioral anomaly or rational preference?" The article emerged in collaboration with his PhD student Eliza Stenzhorn and former collaborator Dr. Matthias Schmitt.

The authors use data on individual investment decisions to analyze whether investors in equity crowdfunding direct their investments to local firms and whether specific investor types can explain this behavior. They then examine whether investments exhibiting a local bias are more or less likely to fail. They show that investors exhibit a local bias, even when controlling for those with personal ties to the entrepreneur. In particular, the authors find that angel‐like investors and investors with personal ties to the entrepreneur exhibit a larger local bias than regular crowd investors. Well‐diversified investors are less likely to suffer from this behavioral anomaly than investors with personal ties to the entrepreneur. Overall, the authors show that investors who direct their investments to local firms more often pick start‐ups that run into insolvency, which indicates that some local investments in equity crowdfunding constitute a behavioral anomaly rather than a rational preference. Moreover, the results reveal that platform design is an important factor determining the scope of the behavior anomaly.

The full article can be downloaded here.

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy