New third-party funded project with MARUM: "Aims3"- Investigations on CO2 storage at the ocean crust

Scientists at the MARUM have succeeded in acquiring a project to investigate the potential of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the ocean together with a broad consortium, including the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. The project has been funded by the BMBF since 01 August 2021 as part of the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM).

CCS is considered a promising technology to meet the climate targets from the Paris Agreement. In this project, storage at geological formations below sea level will be investigated. The project analyzes natural, technical and social science aspects of the potential and feasibility of this storage method.

The working group "Innovation and Structural Economics" is involved in the project with analyses of the cost-benefit ratio of this technology as well as questions of social acceptance. In this context, a survey study will be conducted and the technology acceptance of the population will be investigated in so-called 'citizens-jury' workshops.

The project, funded by the BMBF for three years, is coordinated by the MARUM. In addition to the University of Bremen, GEOMAR Kiel, Fraunhofer IPM Freiburg and Sea&Sun Technology GmbH are involved in the project.

The official press release can be found here

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