New Working Paper - Marketing in a Digital World

Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiss, Maik Dulle, Nastaran Taherparvar, Mirko Wiemann und Jan Wiezorrek have published a new working paper entitled "Marketing in a Digital World".

Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiss, Maik Dulle, Nastaran Taherparvar, Mirko Wiemann und Jan Wiezorrek have published a new working paper under the title "Marketing in a Digital World".

The working paper deals with the implementation of new technologies in the field of marketing. Over the course of digitization, many innovative marketing technologies have emerged that – theoretically speaking – promise firms gains in efficiency and/or effectiveness. However, a central task for marketing is not to allow the use of these technologies to become an end in itself, but to preserve the guiding principle of marketing, namely customer orientation. This means that the new technologies only offer added value for firms if they also offer (perceived) added value for consumers. Using three specific application areas as examples (chatbots, voice assistants and data privacy management), the authors show how firms can combine innovative marketing technologies and consumer interests in a purposeful manner.

The full article can be accessed here.