Virtual Private Network

Some restricted services of the University or the State and University Library are only available if you are on campus.

If you want to access these services from home or on the road with an account from the Center for Networks, you must install VPN client software (Cisco Secure Client or OpenConnect) on your computer and establish a connection to the campus with the VPN client before each access to the restricted services. This means that you are “virtually” on campus and can use the services as usual.

VPN setup

To set up the VPN, please use the instructions (on the right) for your respective system.

Contact info und Help

If you have any questions about VPN, please contact the VPN Helpdesk:

      • E-Mail: vpnprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer personal appointments.

Tunnel types

The VPN connection to the university comes in two different tunnel variants:
'Tunnel-Uni-Bremen' and 'Tunnel-All-Traffic'. The advantages and disadvantages of these connection types can be found under tunnel types.

Frequently asked questions about VPN

Why do i need a VPN?

The VPN enables secure remote access to university networks and resources. Students, lecturers and researchers can access important materials, library resources and internal systems from different locations without jeopardizing data security.

Do I always have to be connected to the VPN to be able to access resources at the University of Bremen?

No. If you are on campus, you can also access the university's resources (StudIP, SuuB) via Eduroam (WIFI), for example. The VPN is only required if you need access from outside the university (exception: special access for university employees, e.g. for the housing center).

I have a problem setting up the VPN

Take a look at the instructions. You will also find solutions to common problems in the instructions.

Am I anonymous on the Internet when i'm connected via the university VPN?

No. The Uni VPN access is linked to your Uni account. If you need anonymous access to the internet, you should not use the Uni VPN. Please also refer to the university regulations regarding computer services.

Updated by: ZfN11