Blocking Policy Spam & Viruses


The mail servers of the university ( and block e-mails with attachments with the following endings:

*.doc, *.docm, *.dot, *.dotm; .*xla, *.xlam, *.xls, *.xlsb, *.xlsm, *.xlt, *.xltm, *.xlw; *.pot,
*.potm, *.ppa, *.ppam, *.pps, *.ppsm, *.ppt, *.pptm

Other endings that are not permitted:
*.exe, *.com, *.bat, *.ps1, *.cmd, *.hta, *.pif, *.scr, *.scf, *.psc1, *.vbs, *.inf, *.acm, *.ax,
*.cpl, *.dll, *.drv, *.efi, *.mui, ,*.mht, *.mhtml, *.ocx, *.sys, *.tsp, *.sct, *.vb, *.vbe, *.ws,
*.wsf, *.paf, *.msi, *.jse, *.msp, *.mst, *.msc

(This list can be supplemented as required without further notice and is therefore not exhaustive.)

The sender of a blocked e-mail are automatically informed about the process. The blocked e-mail is not cached and cannot be reconstructed; therefore, please refrain from contacting the mail administrators.

For further information, please refer to the corresponding memorandum from the chancellor.