Stud.IP update on 5 March 2025, i.e. Stud.IP will not be available from 09:00 to approx. 18:00!

On 05 March 2025 Stud.IP will be updated from version 5.2.6 to version 5.5.3, i.e. on this day Stud.IP will NOT be available between 09:00 and 18:00.

The time has come again: Stud.IP is being updated to the latest version, which includes some technical updates in the background as well as new functionalities for the organisational and didactic implementation of your teaching scenarios. The improved tools promote interactive and self-directed learning, facilitate the integration of modern teaching methods and support targeted, media-supported didactics.

On this overview page New in Stud.IP 5.5.3 (german language) we have briefly explained the most important innovations (Where is the tab More...?, Searching and finding courses in the module index, updating the courseware, new question types in the questionnaires, accessible files, modernised wiki, compact navigation/full screen mode); our Stud.IP help will be successively updated in the near future.

Note on the course catalogue on the university website
From 5 March, the course data in the course catalogue of the University of Bremen ( will temporarily be provided from a static source, partly due to the Stud.IP update on 5 March and the Typo3 update planned afterwards. A new version - based on the module structure - will be available at the beginning of the summer semester, which means that the course data cannot be updated until the new course catalogue is available.

blaue Würfel
Stud.IP für Hochschulen