News overview

blaue Würfel

Stud.IP update on 5 March 2025, i.e. Stud.IP will not be available from 09:00 to approx. 18:00!

On 05 March 2025 Stud.IP will be updated from version 5.2.6 to version 5.5.3, i.e. on this day Stud.IP will NOT be available between 09:00 and 18:00.

Verleihung des Berninghausenpreises 2024

Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching Awarded

The 2024 Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching has been awarded to three teaching staff members. Sociologist Sabine Ritter impressed the jury in the Excellence in Teaching category. The Student Prize goes to psychologist Barbara Cludius


JupyterHub at the University of Bremen – More Digital Opportunities in Higher Education

The digital tool allows students to program directly in their browser, to visualize content, and analyze data

ZMML| E-Learning| Highlights|

Multiple Perspectives on Climate Change. The Virtual Academy for Sustainability’s new course

From geosciences to economics to health sciences, the effects of climate change play a role in almost all academic fields.

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto vom Mittwoch dem 25.9.
ZMML| Veranstaltungen| E-Learning| Highlights|

Opencast DACH Conference 2024 in Bremen.

The Opencast DACH Conference 2024 in Bremen was a great success. The German-speaking Opencast community gathered in Bremen to intensely discuss the further development and improvement of the Opencast system for automated lecture recordings over three days.

ZMML| E-Learning|

Broaden Your Academic Horizon: How the eGeneral Studies Program Opens up New Perspectives

Interactive formats, flexible exam dates, and exciting topics: These are the online eGeneral Studies courses

ZMML| Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

ZMML workshop ‘Legal issues regarding the use of AI in teaching’ on 18 October 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30 (Zoom)

On Friday, 18 October 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., we are hosting a workshop on ‘Legal issues regarding the use of AI in teaching’ with the speaker Prof. Dr. Iris Kirchner-Freis, LL.M.Eur.

ZMML| Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

Opencast DACH Conference 2024 in Bremen (23.9. - 25.9.)

the ZMML invites the German-speaking Opencast community to the Opencast DACH conference in Bremen. The conference will take place from 23 September to 25 September.

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Universities to Work More Closely Together on Digitization

Universities from 12 German federal states want to work together on digitalization across state borders. To this end, 15 state coordinators have signed a joint memorandum of understanding with the aim of forming a network for the exchange of knowledge and information.

ViTeach 24 – Sozial. Intelligent. Kompetent.

ViTeach 24 - Social. Intelligent. Competent. Online conference of the VCRP, MMKH and elan e.V. on 10 September 2024

Under the motto "Social. Intelligent. Competent," the ViTeach online conference of the VCRP, MMKH, and elan e.V. will take place on September 10, 2024, from 10:00–16:00. This year's event is dedicated to the diverse uses of social media in video-based teaching.

Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

Learning AID Conference 2024 on 2.9. & 3.9. 2024 at the Ruhr University Bochum

In 2024 there will be a Learning AID Conference for the third time - the conference on Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Higher Education. The two-day event will take place on Monday, September 2 and Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Logo der Lernplattform Stud.IP
Veranstaltungen| E-Learning| Highlights| Stud.IP|

Stud.IP conference for providers and practitioners on September 11 and 12, 2024 in Göttingen

The autumn conference is aimed at Stud.IP providers and practitioners, and this is also reflected in the program: In addition to the presentation of Stud.IP 6, the focus will be on the practical implementation of Stud.IP, especially the use of artificial intelligence in teaching.


MMKH: Digital examinations, AI in the examination context & good scientific practice (June 18, 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.)

With the sudden appearance of AI generators for a wide variety of media forms since the end of 2022, universities are facing enormous opportunities but also challenges with regard to their teaching and digital examination implementation.

Jupyter Logo
ZMML| Veranstaltungen| Projekte| E-Learning|

A brief introduction to JupyterHub at the University of Bremen

The University of Bremen enables all members to use the open source software Jupyter via its own hub. Until the end of the year, 30-minute short presentations will take place to get to know Jupyter.

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Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

ZMML Workshop "Legal aspects of digitalization in teaching" on 24.06.2024 from 13:30 to 15:00 (Zoom)

On Monday, June 24, 2024, from 13:30 to 15:00, we are once again organizing a workshop "Legal Issues on Digitization in Teaching" with the speaker Prof. Dr. Iris Kirchner-Freis, LL.M.Eur. for lecturers at the University of Bremen.

Veranstaltungen| E-Learning|

University:Future Festival 2024 “Tales of Tomorrow” from 05.06. to 07.06.2024 (hybrid)

The University:Future Festival will take place from 5 to 7 June 2024 in Berlin, in the digital space and at several partner stages. The motto: “Tales of Tomorrow


New Coffee Lecture series on AI tools

The current developments of AI-based systems in research and studies are diverse and dynamic. In the coming weeks, we want to present some AI tools that are suitable for use in the context of university and science.


DGHD event "AI and research-based learning" on 25.4.2024 from 13:00 -14:00 (online)

The Research-Based Learning Working Group of the DGHD (German Association for Higher Education Didactics) is launching a new series of events: Research-Based Learning at lunchtime.

A laptop and a notebook
E-Learning| Highlights| Uni-Allgemein|

OnCourse: New Platform for e-Learning

With the OnCourse platform, a new service comprising interdisciplinary digital courses has been launched. It is aimed at students and staff of Bremen’s universities as well as the general public.


Bremen State and University Library Switches to Open Source

The Bremen State and University Library (SuUB – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek) is the first library in the Common Library Network to introduce Folio as the library software for lending and acquisition.

Logo Universität Bremen

“Freiraum 2022”: Innovative Teaching Receives Funding

The University of Bremen is receiving funding to support innovative teaching as part of the "Freiraum 2022" call for proposals. Four projects have been selected by the "Innovation in der Hochschullehre" foundation. With this funding, lecturers can develop and test new ideas.

Studierende schauen gemeinsam auf einen Laptotbildschirm
Beschäftigtenportal| Uni-Allgemein|

AI: Government Supports Bremen as Scientific Location

The government and state initiative “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” is supporting two University of Bremen projects. By doing so, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is strengthening Bremen’s position as a scientific location in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Studierende am Laptop

Investment in Digitalization of Teaching

The University of Bremen will receive funding of 3.6 million euros for the project “Studierendenzentriert | kollaborativ | innovativ Lehren und Lernen.” The funding has the aim of moving digitalization in teaching forward.