
Showes an old building surronded by grass. Around that are more old buildings.

Professor Lars Hornuf as speaker at the IFABS conference in Oxford

Today Professor Lars Hornuf presents his research project Do Retail Investors Value Environmental Impact? at the annual meeting of the IFABS-International Finance and Banking Society at the University of Oxford.

Are investors willing to give up a higher return if the investment generates positive…

Showes the EAEPE Logo

Four Presentations at the EAEPE Conference 2021

The 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy | took place as an online event from September 02-04, 2021. The theme of the conference was „Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Re-thinking the role of the State towards safe, cohesive,…

Shows part of the flyer of the Crowdworking Symposium

3rd Crowdworking Symposium

On 17 September the University of Bremen hosts the 3rd Crowdworking Symposium, which provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for research on on-demand online labor. This year, we welcome John Horton (MIT Sloan School of Management) as keynote speaker.

If you would like to participate,…

Showing a wall with Cyrillic characters. Next to it an oil platform. Next to the oil platform is the sign of the Soviet Union.

Photo exhibition on the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster

An exhibition with pictures from Chernobyl will take place in the Haus der Wissenschaft from September 6th to October 15th, 2021. The exhibition, organized by a team from the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics, documents life in the exclusion zone, 35 years after the accident.

Wave crashing water and cloudy sky

New third-party funded project with MARUM: "Aims3"- Investigations on CO2 storage at the ocean crust

Scientists at the MARUM have succeeded in acquiring a project to investigate the potential of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the ocean together with a broad consortium, including the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. The project has…

It shows a blast furnace pipe with a ladder and several platforms to stand on.

Jutta Günther interview on steel production with green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is seen as a hope for climate-neutral steel production, also at the Bremen site.

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Participation in the AOW conference in Chemnitz

From September 22 to 24 2021, the conference of the Division of Industrial, Organizational and Business Psychology (AOW) of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) will take place in Chemnitz. This year's motto is "Sustainable interaction with people and technology".

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New Publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann

We are pleased to share our new publication “Automation as an equal team player for humans? - A view into the field and implications for research and practice” in the journal “Applied Ergonomics” (Q1 Journal).

Shows the text #2015 for the Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation

New Publication: Entrepreneurship Perception during the first COVID-19 Shock

Jessica Birkholz published, in collaboration with Jarina Kühn, a discussion paper titled “Entrepreneurship Perception during the first COVID-19 Shock: Mental Representations of Entrepreneurship and Preferences of Business Models during the Pandemic” in the discussion paper series of the ierp…

Shows the cover of the CERR 2021

Three presentations of the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR) 2021

The 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing 2021 was held from 15 to 17 July 2021, hosted by SKEMA Business School in Sophia Antipolis, France and organised in a hybrid format.