
Shows a clip from the Buten un Binnen video, where several container ships and cranes are seen.

Prof. Dr. Kinra in interview on global supply chain disruptions and resilience

Disruptions in global supply chains lead to delivery bottlenecks that also affect customers in Bremen.

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Publication in Psychology & Marketing

An article by Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, together Franziska Völckner (University of Cologne) and Valentyna Melnyk (UNSW Syndey) has been accepted for publication at the journal Psychology & Marketing. The article deals with the effects of background music on the evaluation of visual stimuli.

Link to…

New forthcoming publication on influencer marketing disclosure in the International Journal of Research in Marketing

An article by Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein, together with Zeynep Karagür and Dr. Alexander Edeling (both University of Cologne) and Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Becker (now BI Oslo) has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the leading European marketing research…

On the left hand side is the moderator of Deutsche Welle on the right hand side is Jutta Günther

Jutta Günther in Deutsche Welle TV interview on green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is seen as a beacon of hope on the road to a climate-neutral economy, especially in the chemical industry and steel production. In the international Deutsche Welle news magazine, Jutta Günther talks about the technical and economic challenges.

To the broadcast (September 13, 2021): h…

Shows a Person who sits near the shore

Film Screening of the Russian cult film “Brat” (Brother)

A screening of the Russian cult film “Brat” (Brother) from 1997 will take place on September 23 at 6:00 pm in the “Krokodil” cinema in Berlin. In the subsequent public discussion, Dr. Julia Langbein and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz will discuss the film with the audience.

Vogelperspektive SuUB Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek

Library resources for economics - Tobias Wendler gives a presentation at the national meeting of subject librarians

On September 16 and 17, 2021, the digital library meeting for subject librarians in economics was held under the title "Libraries - Support for Science", hosted this year by the Bremen State and University Library. Over 100 participants from university libraries throughout Germany attended.


Showes the logo of the Logistik Management 2021.

Three presentations by the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 12th Logistics Management (LM 2021) conference

The 12th Logistics Management (LM 2021) conference of the Scientific Commission for Logistics (WK-LOG) of the German Academic Association of Business Research (VHB) took place in Dresden from 15 to 16 September 2021. The biannual conference was organised by the TU Dresden.

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New publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann on the effects of the Covid-19 measures on employees

We are pleased to share our new publication "The Impact of Telework and Closure of Educational and Childcare Facilities on Working People During COVID-19" in the German Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie).

The markstones institute is present at the conference “DerMarkentag2021”!

The conference “DerMarkentag2021” has become one of the leading platforms of discussing future brand management in the German speaking region and goes live on the 16th of September hosted by the Hochschule Mainz. Taking part in the conference will be Tjark Virkus, PhD student of the working group…

Shows the text privacy on a keyboard

New third-party funded project approved

The Hans Böckler Foundation supports Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf’s and Dr. Ass. Jur. Sonja Mangold’s new research project on "Platform work and data protection in a national and international perspective: market players, problem areas, regulatory requirements." The project, which is carried out in…