
International Journal of Production and Research

New article by Aseem Kinra in the International Journal of Production Research analyses global supply chain productivity impacts of Covid-19

Aseem Kinra, together with Xavier Brusset, Davide La Torre and Morteza Javari have published a new article in the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR). In their article, the authors demonstrate the spatio-temporal spread of the Covid-19 pandemic along supply chain networks, visualize…

Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik

New Publication: Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990

Ann Hipp, Michael Fritsch, Maria Greve, Jutta Günther, Marcel Lange, Christian Liutik, Beate Pfeifer, Mariia Shkolnykova und Michael Wyrwich published a research paper entitled „Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990“ in the Journal of Economics and Statistics.



New Publication on Identification of Patent-based Inventor Competencies

Lothar Walter and Jonas Frischkorn from the IPMI, together with Laura Johanna Karwehl and Simone Kauffeld from the TU Braunschweig, have published a new paper entitled „Identification of patent-based inventor competencies: An approach for partially automated competence retrieval in technological…

Finance Research Letters

Maik Eisenbeiß and Lars Hornuf Publish New Article in Finance Research Letters

Lars Hornuf, Maik Eisenbeiß and Sven Hartmann have published a new article on "Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?" in Finance Research Letters.

Jessica Birkholz

New Publication: “Do not judge a business idea by its cover: The relation between topics in business ideas and incorporation probability”

Jessica Birkholz has published an article in the international peer-reviewed journal “Journal of Technology Transfer ” on the relation between narratives in business ideas, their degree of novelty and the foundation of a company.

DGO-Kongress Berlin

First Congress of the German Society for East European Studies in Berlin

On October 6 and 7, the first Congress of the German Society for East European Studies took place in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz co-organized the congress, and moderated the opening panel.


Workshop at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

Jan-Matti Dollbaum and Michael Rochlitz organized a workshop at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg on the future of social science research in and about Russia and Ukraine.


Susanne Schattenberg and Michael Rochlitz on the podcast Go Global! of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce

Together with Boris Felgendreher from the Bremen Chamber of Commerce, Prof. Dr. Susanne Schattenberg and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz discussed the impact of the war in Ukraine on economic relations in Europe.

Sommerakademie Vilnius

Course on Artificial Intelligence at the European Summer Academy Vilnius

David Karpa and Michael Rochlitz from the research group "Institutional Economics" gave a course at the European Summer Academy Vilnius of the German National Academic Foundation with the topic "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Political Regimes: Towards a New Systemic Competition?".

Podcast Zaren, Daten, Fakten

Podcast of the German Chamber of Commerce in Moscow

Michael Rochlitz spoke with Thomas Baier of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce in Moscow about the impact of the sanctions on the Russian economy.