
Publication alert!

"Determinants of Consumers' attitudes towards digital advertising - A meta-analytic comparison across time and touchpoints" is the title of a new article published by the markstones members Maik Eisenbeiss and Maximilian Fiedler in the Journal of Business Research.


Science podcast: Privacy and data sovereignty

For this year's conference platform LABOR.A of the Hans Böckler Foundation on the topic of "Good Work in the Transformation", the Chair of Business Administration, especially Financial Services and Financial Technology has created a science podcast on the topic of data protection and data…

National Bureau of Economic Research

Presentation at the NBER Summer Institute in Boston

At the 2022 Summer Institute of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Ruben Enikolopov and Michael Rochlitz presented their paper "The Effect of Independent Online Media in an Autocracy."


Book Presentation on Russia’s Energy Exports by Margarita Balmaceda

Is Russia using its energy exports for political purposes? And which actors profit along the value chain of Russian energy exports? On Tuesday July 19 at 16:15, Margarita Balmaceda (Seton Hall and Harvard University), will present her new book on the topic.


Prof. Andrei Yakovlev’s visit to the University of Bremen

Professor Andrei Yakovlev from the Higher School of Economics in Moscow has visited the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics at the University of Bremen for a short research stay on June 26-July 2, 2022.

TV Rain

New Working Paper on the Effect of Independent Media in an Autocracy

Using two field experiments conducted in Russia, the paper – written by Ruben Enikolopov, Michael Rochlitz, Koen Schoors and Nikita Zakharov – examines the effect of independent media on political behavior in an autocracy.

European Academy of Management

Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf receive EURAM «Best Paper Award»

Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf and his former PhD student Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand received the «Best Paper Award» for their study of data philanthropy at the EURAM Conference.

In their paper «Social Dilemma of Big Data: Donating Personal Data to Promote Social Welfare» Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand and Prof. Dr.…

European Operations Management Association

Uni Bremen well-represented on the supply chain resilience and sustainability agenda at the most prestigious Operations Management scientific conferences

The EurOMA2022 conference focuses on the development and application of new knowledge in manufacturing and service operations. The prestigious EurOMA conference is one of the leading worldwide institutions extending the knowledge on operations management (OM) by bringing OM scholars together. This…

Diginomics Working Paper 17

New Working Paper - Digital Transformation of Maritime Supply Chains Focusing on Ocean Shipping, Port Management and Hinterland Connection

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Dietrich Haasis and Hapsatou have published a new working paper entitled "Digital Transformation of Maritime Supply Chains Focusing on Ocean Shipping, Port Management and Hinterland Connection".

Dr. Tobias Wendler

Research visit to the University of Oxford

From May 16-19, 2022 Tobias Wendler visited on invitation the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford in the UK. The research visit served to continue a joint study on the innovation behavior of companies with regard to climate risks. In addition, Tobias Wendler presented a joint research…