
Maternity Protection for the Self-Employed

Maternity protection for the self-employed is the subject of two events this week, in which Professor Dr. Ursula Rust is taking part.

The CDU Bremen parliamentary group has organised a panel debate on maternity protection for the self-employed on 19 August 2024, with a keynote speech by Professor Rust. As Member of the German Women Lawyers' Association, Professor Rust takes part in the strategy meeting of the Alliance for Maternity Protection of the Self-Employed on Thursday, 22 August.

On Monday, the CDU parliamentary group is preparing for the next session of the state parliament, which will also discuss the motion prepared by Theresa Gröninger, member of the Bremen Parliament and economy spokesperson of the CDU parliamentary group, “Reducing disadvantages in maternity protection for self-employed female entrepreneurs, craftswomen and founders” (Drucksache 21/368).

The starting point for the alliance is the petition “Maternity protection for all”, which the German Parliament voted to refer to the Federal Government “for consideration” with the highest possible vote at its 109th session on June 15, 2023, in line with the proposal of the Petitions Committee. The Ministry does not yet consider it necessary to review the current legal framework for maternity protection and insurance cover under the Insurance Contract Act.

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