Unlearn the Ivory Tower: Decolonizing Minds, Challenging Racism and Sexism in Academia


Portait of Josephine Apraku

New Date: April 10, 2025 (Thursday)

New Time: 10:30 -15:30

On-site @ UNICOM

In this workshop, we will take a look at how different forms of oppression interact with racism in the context of the
university and how we can counter them. We will also reflect on our own resources in the sense of community
building and how these can be used for joint action against oppressive structures.

About the speaker: 
Josephine Apraku is an African studies scholar, author, lecturer and trainer for intersectional anti-racist educational work. Josephine's texts have been published by EDITION F, Missy Magazine and Tagesspiegel, among others. “Kluft und Liebe” (Eden Books, 2022) examines oppression in romantic relationships; ‘Mein Workbook zu Rassismus’ and the interactive card set ”Lasst uns über Rassismus reden!” (2023, Familiar Faces) invite people to engage in self-reflection critical of racism.

Most recently, Josephine's children's books “Tschüss Uroma” (2023, bli bla blub) and “Ein ganz normaler Tag” (Carlsen) were published. In 2024, “Mein Workbook zu Rassismus” was named one of the most beautiful German books by the Stiftung Buchkunst.


Register by following this link: Registration

On-site @ UNICOM: February 19, 2025, from 10:00 – 15:00

The event is about options for action in the event of sexism in academia as well as what to do against it at the University of Bremen.

To this end, we will exchange ideas in smaller groups.

On the other hand, the new Anti-Discrimination Statute of the University of Bremen will be presented, which will cover:

When and for whom does the statute apply?

How does a complaint procedure work?

What other options for action does the statute offer?

Who can I turn to for advice and support in the event of discrimination?

All these questions and more will be answered at this event.


About the speaker:

Carmen Alicia Laínez Jaén has been a consultant at the ADE, the office against discrimination and violence - expertise and conflict counseling, since 2023. She is a psychologist and has training in anti-discrimination counseling from the Anti-Discrimination Association of Germany (advd). Carmen has extensive experience in counseling and empowering people who have been discriminated against.


Register by following this link: Registration

This photo shows a portrait of Dr. Rahab Njeri

On-site @ UNICOM: March 14, 2025, from 09:00 – 16:00

Welcome to the Decolonizing the Mind empowerment workshop for BIPOC students, young researchers and academic staff. In a university setting often shaped by dominant Eurocentric narratives, this workshop seeks to create a transformative space for self-empowerment and collective growth. This space is designed to foster critical reflection, healing, and empowerment by addressing the deep-seated impacts of colonialism on our minds, identities, and experiences within academic institutions, while also identifying strategies to reclaim and redefine our narratives. By centering the knowledge, experiences, and wisdom of BIPOC students, young researchers and academic staff, this workshop fosters healing, collective empowerment, and active strategies for resistance and envision a more inclusive and liberated future.

About the speaker:

Dr. Rahab Njeri is a historian, scholar and community activist. Her research fields and academic interest are Postcolonial Gender Studies, Intersectionality, Black Feminism, Critical Whiteness Studies, Migration Studies, Empowerment and Black Canadian Studies. She is a Trainer and a Moderator. She is the founder of KEMET AWARDS FOR ACHIEVEMENT IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES (KAAAL) and Prof. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o is a Prof. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o is a Patron. Currently, she is a consultant for critique of racism and responsible for Coordination and Implementation of measures in the field of Antisemitism Critique at the University of Cologne.


Register by following this link: Registration

This Picture shows a portrait of Dr. Phuong Glaser.

On-site @ UNICOM: April 3, 2025, from 09:00 – 16:00

In our globalized and fast-paced world of work, challenges in collaborating, leading and working have reached a new level of complexity. This complexity also applies to academia and can emerge from the intensity, the increasing time demands and stacking of work, the lack of knowledge, the fear of errors as well as the stress from inaction, all leading to reduced productivity and creativity, distress and high risk of burnout. Global happenings, e.g. the global pandemic, the war outbreak, and the pressing needs for action at social and racial justice erode our capacities. This training introduces participants to the approach of Applied Compassion and shows why its application matters, accompanies them in their reflection on how to apply the principles and practices of (self-) compassion, including mindfulness, common humanity and (cultural) humility. At the end of the workshop, by taking their own roles and work routines into consideration, participants will develop specific (small to vast) moves towards bringing more empathy and compassion into their workplace.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Phuong Glaser is a coach and facilitator of Applied Compassion certified by the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University. After being active in science and research as a linguist, she worked as an HR developer and supported international female scientists at the University of Cologne in their career and personal development. Currently, she collaborates with universities and research centers across Germany. Her offer of coaching and training focuses on the areas of mentoring, communication across cultures, empathy and compassion.


Register by following this link: Registration


Dr. Saumya Pant

Email: saumya.pantprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Tel: (0421) 218-60187

Building: Unicom 2, Haus Oxford

Room: 2.1110


Aktualisiert von: Saumya Pant