
Dr. Tobias Wendler

Tobias Wendler receives DFG funding for research stay at Tilburg University

Tobias Wendler has successfully obtained funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the Walter Benjamin Program. This will enable him to implement a research project during a six-month stay at the "Tilburg Sustainability Center" with Professor Sjak Smulders.

Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane

Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane

The University of Bremen has awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor Caren Sureth-Sloane from the University of Paderborn

Working Paper 16

New Working Paper - Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data

David Karpa, Prof. Dr. Torben Klarl and Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz have published a new working paper under the title "Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data".

Diginomics Working Paper

New Working Paper - Asset Pricing in Digital Assets

Steffen Günther, Tobias Glas and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Poddig have published a new working paper entitled "Asset Pricing in Digital Assets".

Podiumsdiskussion Sparkasse

Panel discussion of Sparkasse Bremen on network organizations

Upon invitation of Sparkasse Bremen, Dr. Julian Decius, head of Organizational Psychology, participated in a panel discussion on "Sparkasse as a Network Organization" as part of the "Umdenkwerkstatt" on topics of "New Work" and "New Learning" on May 03, 2022. Together with Pranjal Kothari (Board…

Diginomics Working Paper

New Working Paper - Machine Learning in Accounting Research

Dr. Christian Fieberg, Matthies Hesse, Prof. Dr. Thomas Loy and Daniel Metko have published a new working paper entitled "Machine Learning in Accounting Research".

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter

Successful participation in the HFES conference in Turin

From April 20-22, 2022, the conference of the "Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Europe Chapter" (HFES) was held in presence in Turin.

World Patent Information

New Publication on Digitalization Trends in Patent Information Databases and Interrogation Tools

Dr. Lothar Walter, Nils Denter and Jan Kebel published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled “A review on digitalization trends in patent information databases and interrogation tools”.

Working Paper 13

New Working Paper - Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?

Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiss, Sven A. Hartmann and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf have published a new working paper entitled "Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?".

Refugee Entrepreneurship

Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship

23 May 2022 from 9.00 a.m. (CET) The Department of Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Business Creation (LEMEX) invites interested scholars to participate in this workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship on May 23, 2022.