Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2024

General Studies - Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften

GS I: Berufsfelderkundung und Praktikum

neue Studiengaenge (BA 2.0):
Praktikum im Umfang von mindestens 9 CP (1 CP = 30 Arbeitsstunden)

Fuer Studierende der Studiengaenge Germanistik, English-Speaking Cultures, Frankoromanistik und Hispanistik im Haupt- bzw. Profilfach ist das Modul GS I verpflichtend. Das Vorgehen steht groesstenteils in der Verantwortung der Studierenden: die Recherche nach moeglichen Praktikumsplaetzen, Kontaktaufnahme zu Unternehmen/Institutionen, das Aushandeln der Arbeitsbedingungen etc. Der/die Modulbeauftragte sowie Frau Dr. Schulz stehen fuer Beratungsgespraeche zur Verfuegung.
Das Praktikum ist durch einen Erfahrungsbericht von ca. 10 Seiten entsprechend der Berichtsvorgaben zu dokumentieren (siehe Stud.IP).
Einmal pro Semester findet ein Praktikumskolloquium statt, in dem die Erfahrungen der Praktikumsphase rekapituliert und evaluiert werden. Das Kolloquium kann vor oder nach Durchfuehrung des Praktikums besucht werden.
Weiterhin besteht die Moeglichkeit, auch ueber das Pflichtpraktikum hinaus noch weitere Praktikumsphasen fuer die General Studies geltend zu machen.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-GS-1-01Praktikumskolloquium (in English)
Pflichtveranstaltung im Modul GS I; Anmeldung über Stud.IP

Colloquium (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 16.11.23 12:15 - 13:00
Dr. Hauke Harm Kuhlmann
Dr. Ramona Kreis

GS VIII: Studentische Aktivitäten

Verpunktung nach Aufwand (einschl. Bericht)

Dieses Modul ist bewusst sehr offen gehalten. Die Studierenden koennen hier diverse Aktivitaeten einbringen, die mit dem universitaeren Leben im Zusammenhang stehen und einen ergaenzenden Bezug zu ihrem Studium haben. Sie sollen dem Erwerb so genannter soft skills (Sekundaerqualifikationen) dienen. Als Beispiele koennen gelten: Selbstorganisierte studentische Arbeitsgruppen, politische Diskussionsforen, hochschulpolitische Arbeit (ausser in gewaehlten Gremien), autonomes Fremdsprachenlernen (Tandems), Theater, Mitarbeit an Zeitschriften, Orchester, Chor etc.
Die jeweilige Aktivitaet muss schriftlich dokumentiert werden (Protokolle, Erfahrungsbericht, Beleg-Mappe etc.). Sie wird ueber Frau Dr. Schulz anerkannt und mit CP (deren Zahl naturgemaess von Fall zu Fall variabel ist) bewertet.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-GS-8-01E-SC Animeclub (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 1-2

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2010

Welcome to the English-Speaking Cultures Animeclub! Get ready to dive into the colorful and captivating world of anime with us this semester. We're all about exploring the fantastic realms of Japanese animation and sharing our love for all things anime.
In this club, we'll be doing what we love the most: watching a handpicked selection of diverse and exciting anime. But it's not just about watching! Our gatherings will be buzzing with lively discussions, where we'll unravel the layers of the shows we're watching, analyze the multifaceted characters, and dissect those jaw-dropping plot twists that keep us glued to the screen.
Whether you're a die-hard fan of shonen, slice of life, or just dipping your toes into the world of anime, this club welcomes everyone with open arms.
Participate actively in our group discussions and present an anime-related topic of your choice, and you could earn up to two credit points!
Our meetings are scheduled for Fridays, from 2 to 4 p.m. Before you dive into the world of anime with us, please register for the club on Stud.IP, and don't hesitate to contact the tutors (, if you have any questions or need more information.

Dr. Ramona Kreis
Dr. Hauke Harm Kuhlmann
10-GS-8-02E-SC Filmclub (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 1-2

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 SFG 2010

* For questions please reach out to the tutors (, *
Ever wanted to just talk about your favourite movies? E-SC presents to you our filmclub! Be it critically acclaimed prize-contenders, trashy B-movies, or superhero flicks - we want to offer you a place to critically discuss pictures. The course does, however, come with a tiny prerequisite: you need to be able to watch movies on either Netflix, Prime, etc.
The Filmclub meetings will take place on campus every second week.

Dr. Ramona Kreis
Dr. Hauke Harm Kuhlmann
10-GS-8-03E-SC Bookclub (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 1-2

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 GW1 A0010
weekly (starts in week: 14) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 GW1 A0010
fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 2070
weekly (starts in week: 14) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 SFG 2070

Do you like books and reading? If you do, the English-Speaking Cultures Bookclub is what you are looking for. Each month we will read a book in English, dealing with a specific topic (for example: Black History Month). Those monthly choices are entirely up to you as long as they fit the theme. Once a semester we also do a Bookclub Buddy Read. You can gain up to two credit points by actively participating in group discussions and presenting your monthly read. Whether your favourite genre is fantasy, crime fiction or something else, all readers are welcome.

Meetings of the book club take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-6 pm every second week. Please register for the book club beforehand on Stud.IP and select one of the groups (either Tuesday or Thursday). Please contact one of the tutors if you require more information.

Dr. Ramona Kreis
Dr. Hauke Harm Kuhlmann

GS IX: Kernkompetenzen

Verpunktung nach Angabe im Lehrveranstaltungsverzeichnis

In diesem Modul werden Lehrveranstaltungen angeboten, die in besonderem Masse Kernkompetenzen vermitteln. Das Angebot beinhaltet Veranstaltungen aus verschiedenen Bereichen und variiert in jedem Semester; jeder Kurs darf nur einmal belegt werden. Die jeweiligen Anforderungen und CP-Werte koennen den nachfolgenden LV-Ankuendigungen entnommen werden.

Zusätzlich können Sie für die Kernkompetenzen auf ein breites, uniweites Angebot zugreifen. Folgen Sie dem unten stehende Link zum Veranstaltungsverzeichnis und waehlen Sie aus den Angeboten in
Fächerergänzende Studien
Schlüsselqualifikation für das Berufsziel Lehramt
Fachbereichsübergreifende Studienangebote
Allgemeine General Studies Angebote
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-2-ExMo2-02Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment in the Context of Migration, Integration and Immigration (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 2) Tue. 12:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3220 (FZHB Selbstlernzentrum) (4 Teaching hours per week)

Additional dates:
Tue. 11.06.24 12:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3220 (FZHB Selbstlernzentrum)
Tue. 25.06.24 12:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3220 (FZHB Selbstlernzentrum)

In the current area of increasing migration, foreign language learning is gaining momentum, as acquir-ing the target language is widely understood as one means to enable newly arrived migrants integra-tion and participation. In the seminar, we will examine recent research and practical projects to en-hance our understanding of the role language proficiency can play in the process of integration. We will also explore “best practice” examples to understand the conditions under which languages in im-migration contexts can successfully be taught and acquired.
Within the realm of language teaching and learning, language tests are coming under scrutiny, as they are used and abused as gate keeping devices and as policy instruments to regulate entry and access. We will critically discuss ethical implications of different kinds of language test use. By reviewing recent research projects and studies, we will deepen our understanding of the purposes language tests could and should serve in integration and migration contexts in order to ensure fairness, justice and ethical values.
You will have the opportunity to become familiar with current research and teaching projects in my working group and at the languages centre. You will also have the chance to explore a relevant aspect of your choice in more depths and present your findings in the seminar.

We meet on the following seven Mondays, in room GW2, A3220, from 10:15am to 13:45pm.
This way we have enough space to engage in group work and discussions.
First session: 27.4.2020 18.5.2020 25.5.2020
22.6.2020 29.6.2020 6.7.2020 13.7.2020

Initial reading
McNamara, T. & Shoamy, E. 2008. Language tests and human rights. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 18, 89-95.
Pulinx, R., Van Avermaet, P., & Extramiana, C.: Linguistic integration of adult migrants: policy and prac-tice. Final report on the 3rd Council of Europe survey. Council of Europe, 2014. Available online:
UN (2018): Global Compact for Migration, available online

Prerequisites for a successful completion of the seminar
For 3 ECTS points (GS and MA ESC “unbenotete Studienleistung”, FD3 “benotete Prüfungsleistung”)
1. Regular and active participation in preparatory tasks, seminar groups, discussions, and team-work.
2. Preparatory reading of the assigned texts and preparation of the tasks that will be published in advance on StudIP.
3. Presentation of a project/issue/document on a relevant aspect of the seminar.
For 6 ECTS points (GS and MA ESC, “benotete Prfungsleistung”)
4. In addition, a 9-10 page written academic documentation of the project, incl. literature review, rationale and implications.
Further reading
Beacco, J., Krumm, H., Little, D. & Thalgott, P. (eds). 2017. The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes. Some lessons from research / Les enseignements de la recherche. DE GRUYTER MOUTON. Available online:
Council of Europe, Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants:
Council of Europe, Language Support for Adult Refugees:
Harding, L., Brunfaut, T. & Unger, J. 2019. Language Testing in the ‘Hostile Environment’: The Discur-sive Construction of ‘Secure English Language Testing’ in the UK. Applied Linguistics, Online first doi:10.1093/applin/amz017,
Heckmann, F. (2008). Education and the integration of migrants: challenges for European education sys-tems arisingfrom immigration and strategies for the successful integration of migrant children in Europe-an schools and societies. (NESSE Analytical Report, 1). Bamberg: europäisches forum für migrationsstu-dien (efms) Institut an der UniversitätBamberg.
Hogan-Brun, G., Mar-Molinero, C. & Stevenson, P. (eds) 2009. Discourses on Language and Integration: Critical Perspectives on Language Testing Regimes in Europe. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
McNamara, T. F., Khan, K. & Frost, K. 2015. Language tests for residency and citizenship and the con-ferring of individuality. In: Bernard Spolsky, Ofra Inbar-Lourie, Michal Tannenbaum (eds) Challenges for language education and policy: Making space for people, 11-22.
Pulinx, R., Van Avermaet, P. & Extramiana, C.: Linguistic integration of adult migrants: policy and prac-tice. Final report on the 3rd Council of Europe survey. Council of Europe, 2014. Available online:
Roever, C. & McNamara, T. 2006. Language Testing: The Social Dimension. Blackwell Publishers.
Shohamy, E. 2001. The power of tests: A critical perspective of the uses of language tests. Harlow: Longman.
Shohamy, E. 2006. Language policy: Hidden agendas and new approaches. Routledge: London.
Shohamy, E. 2011. Assessing multilingual competencies: Adopting construct valid assessment policies. The Modern Language Journal 95(3), 418-429.
Shohamy, E. 2013. The discourse of language testing as a tool for shaping national, global, and trans-national identities. Language and intercultural communication (13)2, 1-12.
Shohamy, E. & McNamara, T. 2009. Language tests for citizenship, immigration, and asylum. Language Assessment Quarterly 6, 1–5.
Spolsky, B., Inbar-Lourie, O. & Tannenbaum, M. 2015. (eds.): Challenges for Language Education and Policy: Making Space for People. New York: Routledge.
UN Global compact on refugees:
Van Avermaet, P. 2009. Fortress Europe? Language policy regimes for immigration and citizenship. In: Hogan-Brun, Mar-Molinero & Stevenson (eds). s. above.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Harsch