
Excellent research achievements, habilitations, and PhDs, as well as top-level final theses: Many researchers of the University of Bremen receive awards for their work. In addition, the University of Bremen itself regularly awards prizes such as the Prize for Excellence in Teaching or the Bremen Study Award.


A person takes a sample from a large aquarium.

The University of Bremen’s successful research is reflected in the numerous academic awards, distinctions, and memberships held by its outstanding researchers, as well as in the recognition of their commitment to research institutions, academic organizations, and associations.


Sascha Otto, unifreunde e.V., Irene Strebl, Staatsrätin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft, Hendrik Vogt, Sabine Ritter, Barbara Cludius, Konrektorin Maren Petersen, Carl Berninghausen.

Since 1991, the "unifreunde" [friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University] award the Berninghausen-Preis to members of the teaching staff for outstanding performance and creativity in teaching. Students and colleagues recommend the nomminees. The Prize, donated by the Berninghausen family is worth 6,000 euros and can be split to different categories.



Die zehn Finalist:innen des Transferpreises

In addition to research and teaching, knowledge transfer is one of three central missions of a university. The commitment to social responsibility and engagement in collaborative partnerships with stakeholders from within and outside the academic community have been an essential part of the University of Bremen's role since its founding in 1971. To honor exceptional public outreach accomplishments and transfer projects that set a precedent, the university has established an Outreach Award, which was presented for the first time in 2024. The prize is endowed with 2,000 euros and will be conferred every two years.


Honors for Students and Young Researchers

Bengt Beutler vom Vorstand der „unifreunde“, Konrektor Michal Kucera, Phil Kahrs, Katharina Roß, Dr. Irina Zakharova, Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Dr. Shokoufeh Faraji, Dr.-Ing. Alireza Mahzoon und Karsten Michelmann von der Firma Bruker Daltonics

Our University is all about enabling our students an excellent education and creating prospects for early-stage researchers. An impressive number of prizes, awards, and academic honors for student theses and our young researchers’ achievements are the proof that the University of Bremen is on the right course.

Honors & Nominations